My Cancer

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Man of Honour
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
I know a lot of you know about me and my cancer. How I went though lots of treatment and an operation and by January this year I was put into remission.

A couple of months ago I got the worst news about how it has come back and also that it was terminal. They can only try and keep me comfortable.
I have a big lump on my left side which is on the ribs, a small one on my right side which again is on a rib, I have a few lumps on my skull which are small, a few tiny marks in one of my lungs and I've also had some radiotherapy for some which I have on my spine. These have eased off a little now but one is on a nerve which has made my left leg weak. Should get better soon.

I just thought I'd let you all know what was going on and that even through this I'm still here and upbeat and smiling most of the time. I wont let it get me down.

Thanks for reading.
All I can say is all the best, although I really want to swear.

Puts my feeble personal problems into perspective.:(
:( Sorry to hear that Zoltan.

Any plans for the near future? Going to do something exciting to take your mind off things?
Dunno what to say mate :( My girlfriends dad died a few weeks ago from terminal cancer. If it's any consolation, he lived for three and a half years after the doctors told him it would be 2 months. They aren't always right.
whatever i write will sound crap :(

Live every moment to its fullest chap, I know you will anyway I just dont know what else to say

i wrote loads of other drivvel but its just that...

you are already being stronger than i ever could so messages of be strong and what not are wasted, you have more strength than i ever will.

That's really bad news, I'm really sorry to hear it:(

It's good that you are keeping upbeat about things though, I hope you will find time to do some great things. Puts things in my life into perspective. All the best wishes to you Zoltan.
Well I've been to a couple of Ferrari track days lately. Should be going to Silverstone on the 9th September where I shall get some more rides in them.

Hoping to go to Maranello, Italy to see the Ferrari Factory in October as long as I'm well enough.

We'll just see how it goes atm. I might be starting some low dose chemotharapy tablets soon which should keep it subsided a bit.
Really sorry to hear that. I suppose you're going to make the most of the time you've got left and not waste a single minute!
I really don't know what to say. I don't usually post in these threads, but I felt I had to just to, well, wish you the best :(
Dude, that's absolutely horrible...

I was aware you had cancer but thought it had died out.. It really is a shock. :(

What form of it do you have, am I right in saying skin?
Originally posted by Zoltan
Well I've been to a couple of Ferrari track days lately. Should be going to Silverstone on the 9th September where I shall get some more rides in them.

Hoping to go to Maranello, Italy to see the Ferrari Factory in October as long as I'm well enough.

More of the same mate, just really enjoy yourself.
Originally posted by Zoltan
Well I've been to a couple of Ferrari track days lately. Should be going to Silverstone on the 9th September where I shall get some more rides in them.

Hoping to go to Maranello, Italy to see the Ferrari Factory in October as long as I'm well enough.

We'll just see how it goes atm. I might be starting some low dose chemotharapy tablets soon which should keep it subsided a bit.

was gonna offer you a trip in my car matey, buts its crap in comparisson to those bad boys :)

redline & valve bounce the lot of em ;)
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