My Cancer

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Originally posted by Zoltan
I know a lot of you know about me and my cancer. How I went though lots of treatment and an operation and by January this year I was put into remission.

A couple of months ago I got the worst news about how it has come back and also that it was terminal. They can only try and keep me comfortable.
I have a big lump on my left side which is on the ribs, a small one on my right side which again is on a rib, I have a few lumps on my skull which are small, a few tiny marks in one of my lungs and I've also had some radiotherapy for some which I have on my spine. These have eased off a little now but one is on a nerve which has made my left leg weak. Should get better soon.

I just thought I'd let you all know what was going on and that even through this I'm still here and upbeat and smiling most of the time. I wont let it get me down.

Thanks for reading.

thats a great attidude to have mate, no matter what life throws at you never let it get you down, you know though if you ever do feel down mate you know you have a whole community that you can always turn to :)
Words fail me. There is nothing anything can say that can make it better, but I hope that all of our kind words here make you proud to be the person you are.

You are a braver man than me and most others and I cannot praise you enough for that. Be positive for as long as you can. I hope upon you a happy time and make as much as you can of your time with us.

man, you are so brave.

I hope you manage to fulfill all your dreams in the near future, and manage to do it with a smile:)

Your courage is an inspiration to us all.
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Damn I also remember your thread where you thought you had beaten it, really sad to hear that it's come back, as everyone else has said this kind of thing tends to leave people rather speechless with anything they say sounding rather hollow.
From your posts you're being a lot stronger than I think I could manage.

I really wish you all the best and that you are able to fight it as long as possible.
****, my age, that's way too young :(
Don't know what to say really, you don't know me and I don't really know you besides a few posts I've read.
But it's impressive seeing the courage you show, I know it's been said before but it's true. Certainly puts the minor problems others face in their life into perspective.

Just live life to the full I guess.
Wow, sorry to hear that mate. Your strength of character certainly puts me to shame. I hope you have enjoyed life, and that you are able to enjoy it for a good while yet.
I'm so, so sorry.

i'm sat here in tears, i'm not one of the stong people.

stong people like you, put my life in to perspective.
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