My Cancer

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Just been reading this thread again.
Was also listening to The Streets - Blinded by the lights.

Bad combo. Tear to my eye. :(

Hope you're feeling ok now. Not really much I can say. But just look at the threads. The amount of replies and views. And the collection. Shows we care...

(BTW haven't been able to get any money yet :( so don't know if I can still get it to Gilly in time. Or was the deadline for nochex etc.? Wasn't much but am 15 and every little helps.)
Originally posted by Zoltans_dad

Zoltan is currently recieving radiotherapy over this week to try and bring his legs back. He's finding it hard and tiring and has also had a blood transfusion.

Thank you once again for keeping us updated

Please give him our very best wishes and also a Piggy Slap from me ( not an actual slap but he'll know what you mean when you tell him ) :)
Yer as said by others, my thoughts and prayers are truelly with him, being 16 i havent experienced much in the way of this sort of illness, but....i dont know what to say, your an inspiration with your strength you have shown.

thoughts and prayers

I know no words can even comprehend what Zoltan must be going through. My thoughts are with him and all close to him and hopes that anything that can be done, will be and that he can get better to enjoy his time to its fullest!

Being old enough to have a son of Zoltans age, it is with a warm heart and a smile i've had reading through this thread.

Zoltans family must be so proud of him showing, strength, determination and courage.

I'm proud of all you lot as well, i've read some very thoughtful and poignant words on here, both very inspiring and moving, and while i'm not a big a poster on here as i was a couple of years ago, i do read most threads, and this is one that will stay with me for a long time to come.

So take care Zoltan, and thankyou for becoming part of our lives, we are all richer in spirit for knowing you.

The best things in life are nearest; breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.

- Robert Louis Stevenson
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