My Corsair 600T Watercooling

24 May 2011
West Sussex
Project: Ice

Welcome to My 600T Watercooling Project

Hi all,

This is my first attempt at putting up any form of lengthy build log so i will give it my best shot and hope it turns out well. My camera is far more capable than i am but it is only a compact, will do my best to portray the work but don't expect the amazing arty shots that you can find elsewhere.

I'm not going to blabber on too much about what and why because i know you just want to scroll through pictures really :), but here is a brief overview.

EDIT: I need good name for the project and case but im really bad at names, suggestions welcome.

Loud Coolit Vantage ALC
Loud fan grills in 600T
not done WC before.

Rig in Sig
Raystorm CPU Block
Magicool 360mm Radiator
Bitspower fittings (inc T-Block for draining)
Laing DDC 18W
EK DDC X-Res 100
Mayhems Pastel White Coolant

Added to the project:
Phobya 200mm Rad
HD 7970
EK 7970 Waterblock +Backplate

Easy draining and filling for when i move the case about on a fairly regular basis.
Super Cool CPU temps
Nice and quiet

So lets Begin!

Here is my rig as it sits at the moment, the only difference is that the Scythe GT fans have been died white.

Here is the kit I plan to put in with an additional image for the coolant because I forgot it initially. Oops :p (I do have more fittings, but didn't want to unpack them all.


Temp sensor (not decided where to mount yet. Fill port perhaps?)

Bitspower T-Block, this will give me an easy port for emptying, not sure how it will affect my flow rate though (answer on a postcard please)

Couple I questions I have:
What is this? (Is it radioactive? :p LOL)

For mounting my Laing DDC, I have heard they tend to rattle the case a bit. I have some foam tape and a velcro sheet. Not sure how to use/mount (more answers on postcard appreciated. Posting a reply might be easier)

Since I move my case around fairly often, it is key that I try and maintain the strength of the case, so I need to prevent cutting out huge holes. I went through a couple of designs but ended up on this:




Once cut it all looks a little bit like this:



That's all for now. More updates on the way...

Up Next, filing down the sharp edges and some slight modifications i made to the holes.
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So here is the next stage of the process.

I don't even want to count the hours i have spent filing this all down, more edges than you can imagine. I also had to do some of it twice because i didn't want the edges as sharp, wanted a rounded finish.

The next stage is to get some black paint and cover up the areas where i have filed. (and also the bits where i have slipped...:()

A beautiful edge:

The top:

Top side close up:

My best attempt at something a bit different:

A horrible gash out the top of my beautiful case: :(

Ye Olde Top down shot:

Next, painting! Fun :rolleyes:
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That thing you asked what it was its a anti cyclone bit that goes inside your res. Also your i doubt if you put that sensor in the fillport it would actually be touching your coolant so could do with going in the loop somewhere. Maybe if you have a spare inlet/outlet at the bottom of the res.
Anti cyclone, lovely. Thankyou. Just tried to fit it and i can see no logical place for it to actually fit, will have to investigate further.

As for the temp reader, i have no spare holes, only spare is where i plan to put the extra tube for the drainage part of the loop on the Tblock. i could put a Y fitting on the hole into the res, and mount on that. But could either be very expensive or look rubbish. Will have to do some thinking.

If i put mine in that way round it just rattles all over the place... I played around with it for about 40 minutes and couldnt find any way that it would fit snuggly. Not even close to being a tight fit. Thanks for this image though, help always much appreciated.;)

Looking great so far! You putting your GPU under water too?

Thanks Vect0r, im not sure what im doing with GPU at the moment. I am torn between three options.

1) Get a new generation Black PCB 680 or 7970 and put under water

2) Get a new Gen custom cooler and keep on air

3) Watercooling current blue pcb and get a backplate that would hopefully cover the horid blueness.

I am yet to decide :confused:


I am getting my fans ready for the top, three 1850RPM Gentle typhoons. As you may have noticed, i am a little OCD on the colour of my rig. (Even sprayed my keyboard and headphones to match) So quite simply grey fans with a blotchy plastic shell wouldn't do.

I did do two a while ago but i have done most of the third today, more details later. Used a white die for the blades, and a black enamel for the shell.

Started life like this:

And then i ripped it apart (carefully of course), and masked up: (lots of images, not sure why, i must have liked it.)

Masking Finished:

Rather embarrassingly i ended up ruining my black spray can nozzle so i got half way through and had to stop the black spraying. But all was not lost as i had forgotten to cut the edges where i am going to be mounting the fan on the extra holes i made at the end.

Cuts looks a little like this:

(not ideal because my cutting disc kept melting the plastic on lowest setting and that put a covering on the blade making it blunt, useless... So i used a glass etching tool instead. Bit rubbishy but it does the job. Will paint over it again to make it a little neater.)

Anyway, here is one i made earlier. I love it :D (Cables also braided but forgot to do pictures, some more may come later for that.)

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I have decided to share a little treat as well, my custom paint job peripherals! I do quite like white as you can probably tell by now. And black... well you cant go wrong with black.

On the keyboard, as well as painting, i replaced the green LEDs with some superbright white ones which look pretty fancy imo, and braided the cable.
Together forever::p

Final Shots:

Hope you like :)

Fancy LEDs:

On the headphones i simply stripped them down and painted some parts white. Easy peasy lemon squeazy :D

All in Parts!

Possibly the hardest thing in the world to mask:

Pretty pictures:

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Lol your alittle OCD i think. Howd u pull apart the GT fans? There some sorta screws behind the sticker?

There is a small clip on the fan shaft called a circlip. You just pry that off then the fan pulls out the front. Just got to be careful no to lose the clip :p

Been pretty short for time with a metric tonne of revision to do so here is my little update for the day:

The grill in the front of my 600T for some reason causes a huge amount of noise when i have a 200mm fan installed and spinning, even when i have cut a huge amount of it out, it still makes the sound. However, it doesn't happen when it is moved back from the grill. to overcome this little problem i have hacked apart another 200mm fan i had as seen below:

From this:

To this:

This basically allows me to mount the spectre PRO fan i have to one side, and then screw it to the case on the other side. Damped with these and the normal case grommets:

I will be painting the hacked apart fan black to blend in, but i ruined my black spray can while doing the fan so painting is currently on hold.:(
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