It's that time again. That time when I blabber on about what I have been spending my precious free time on and you just scroll through the pretty pictures, scanning over the occasional line of text because a certain picture seems to make no sense at all!
Look what arrived with the postie!
This is the black paint i am using to cover the scythe GT fans and also the shroud that i cut for what is effectively a front fan silencer. Also included are some tube cutters from OCUK, they just about cut straight if you do it slowly, for the price compared to other places, very good. Also i bought some extra tube fittings so i can play around with how i'm going to start connecting all these bits and bobs together. The white electrical tape is for going under the white braid that i have from that sell braiding and have rigs worth a million dollars (supposedly). It will be for braiding the front i/o connectors, like in my current setup.
Now i have the paint, behold my black fan silencer installed and triple 120mm White Scythe GTs
Notice what looks like an extra fan
Notice large gap
I have now got to the point (without having yet painted over the cutting areas) where i want to start playing about with mounting of the pump and routing of the tubes. I always had the idea in my head that having the holes for the rad in the 5.25 bays as it would be the most tidy. Makes sense right? but it actually made the tubes look fairly ugly because they were wrapping round the bays. It just didnt work out right. So i will be having the rad in/out at the rear of the case.
Rad at rear of the case with fitting trials from the future
So at the same time i had a look at pump mounting. There was only really one option here. At the front by the fan where the hdd cages are when the case is new. I wanted to mount on the plastic i cut from the top (after painting black) because i didnt want to stick anything permanent to the case but still wanted a secure fit.
With or without the standard plastic block?
See foam pads for damping.

Pretty ugly i'm sure you'll agree. Plus with only two screws holding it down, it had a tendency to lift very easily from the back, not good.
I had also forgotten about where the HDD cages sat so i had to move the pump closer toward the fan to stop them colliding.
Second idea was to use a small piece of mesh that i stole from a project where
i put a PS3 and Xbox 360 into a PC. (I plan to upload pictures of this another time. let me know if you're interested.)
Focus on the Mesh
I was fairly happy with using the mesh. It is not perfect but it will be screwed down with rubber washers and some of that foam tape with one side left un-sticky. This will heavily dampen the apparently shaky DDC pump that i have chosen.
Next onto tubing:
This what happens when i try and be creative, a massive mess but lots of ideas.
And a creative picture for good measure.
I tried to avoid cutting the tube because i didn't want to make a decision then change my mind and not have enough.
So you can see here that i have the tubes going out of the pump, into the cpu (into cut out for now) then into the rad. CPU will be 45degree fittings along with one 45 degree fitting on the closest rad fitting.
Then here is the complicated bit. Because of the position of the rad, it would normally be a very ugly, long, saggy tube coming all the way across my beautiful rig. Instead i have tried to stealth it. It goes all the way round the sides of the inside of the case, which will be completely hidden but held in with zip ties. Not very classy, but it will be invisible.
Please excuse the shot of the toilet, i didnt mean to do that!
This will obviously go into the res/pump rather than around it, but i didnt want to cut the tube just yet.
A nice little benefit to this is that you should be able to see a little of the tube from the top of the case next to where the triple rads are. This will only be proven later on.
I have ordered a couple more fitting as well to get everything fitting snuggly. plus a tube plug from bitspower that i should be able to put my temp sensor in and also use as an emptying tube. might get some black tubing for this too.
More updates coming soon! hope this one wasn't too wordy, i get a little carried away