My Corsair 600T Watercooling


I have now cut the top white plastic par that covered the hole i cut in the steel section. This is stuff was surprisingly easy to cut well with a Dremel, and with a couple of minutes of sanding turned out pretty smooth.

This is what the top looks like at this stage, pretty nice im sure you'll agree :D

Had a go at fitting my rad and fans as well just to see how it all fits.

Because of the way i wanted to keep strength in the case, i have to mount the end fan in such a way that it will support the radiator. This rather ugly picture shows the layers i am using to mount the fans.

The red layer is the radiator.
The yellow layer is the full fan grommet that you can see (just about) in the picture already.
The blue bit is where the fan corner will sit.
The green layer is the rubber washer/grommet that fits to the holes in the other fan mounts.
I will cut down one of the supplied screws to fit through the lot without cutting into the rad.
This currently a proposed idea an may change a little.

Here you can see that the second pair of holes for the third (special mounted ) fan don't quite fit. I am going to cut the red lines so i can screw through the hole (blue.)

Doing this took literally two seconds as i decided to use the Dremel grinding attachment instead of a file. Turns out just as well and took a fraction of the time. Wish i had thought of it sooner! :(

Here are some slightly prettier pictures of the fans partially mounted:


It's that time again. That time when I blabber on about what I have been spending my precious free time on and you just scroll through the pretty pictures, scanning over the occasional line of text because a certain picture seems to make no sense at all! :D

Look what arrived with the postie!

This is the black paint i am using to cover the scythe GT fans and also the shroud that i cut for what is effectively a front fan silencer. Also included are some tube cutters from OCUK, they just about cut straight if you do it slowly, for the price compared to other places, very good. Also i bought some extra tube fittings so i can play around with how i'm going to start connecting all these bits and bobs together. The white electrical tape is for going under the white braid that i have from that sell braiding and have rigs worth a million dollars (supposedly). It will be for braiding the front i/o connectors, like in my current setup.

Now i have the paint, behold my black fan silencer installed and triple 120mm White Scythe GTs :D

Notice what looks like an extra fan

Notice large gap

I have now got to the point (without having yet painted over the cutting areas) where i want to start playing about with mounting of the pump and routing of the tubes. I always had the idea in my head that having the holes for the rad in the 5.25 bays as it would be the most tidy. Makes sense right? but it actually made the tubes look fairly ugly because they were wrapping round the bays. It just didnt work out right. So i will be having the rad in/out at the rear of the case.

Rad at rear of the case with fitting trials from the future

So at the same time i had a look at pump mounting. There was only really one option here. At the front by the fan where the hdd cages are when the case is new. I wanted to mount on the plastic i cut from the top (after painting black) because i didnt want to stick anything permanent to the case but still wanted a secure fit.

With or without the standard plastic block?

See foam pads for damping.

Pretty ugly i'm sure you'll agree. Plus with only two screws holding it down, it had a tendency to lift very easily from the back, not good.
I had also forgotten about where the HDD cages sat so i had to move the pump closer toward the fan to stop them colliding.

Second idea was to use a small piece of mesh that i stole from a project where i put a PS3 and Xbox 360 into a PC. (I plan to upload pictures of this another time. let me know if you're interested.)

Focus on the Mesh

I was fairly happy with using the mesh. It is not perfect but it will be screwed down with rubber washers and some of that foam tape with one side left un-sticky. This will heavily dampen the apparently shaky DDC pump that i have chosen.

Next onto tubing:

This what happens when i try and be creative, a massive mess but lots of ideas.

And a creative picture for good measure.

I tried to avoid cutting the tube because i didn't want to make a decision then change my mind and not have enough.

So you can see here that i have the tubes going out of the pump, into the cpu (into cut out for now) then into the rad. CPU will be 45degree fittings along with one 45 degree fitting on the closest rad fitting.

Then here is the complicated bit. Because of the position of the rad, it would normally be a very ugly, long, saggy tube coming all the way across my beautiful rig. Instead i have tried to stealth it. It goes all the way round the sides of the inside of the case, which will be completely hidden but held in with zip ties. Not very classy, but it will be invisible.

Please excuse the shot of the toilet, i didnt mean to do that!

This will obviously go into the res/pump rather than around it, but i didnt want to cut the tube just yet.

A nice little benefit to this is that you should be able to see a little of the tube from the top of the case next to where the triple rads are. This will only be proven later on.

I have ordered a couple more fitting as well to get everything fitting snuggly. plus a tube plug from bitspower that i should be able to put my temp sensor in and also use as an emptying tube. might get some black tubing for this too.

More updates coming soon! hope this one wasn't too wordy, i get a little carried away :p

Thanks to lrlcr, i have had some second thought about having the loop return to res/pump at the front side of the case, or the back side behind the motherboard.

This is what it could look like from the res/pump to the radiator:

This looks like it's coming along nicely. I ended up having to buy loads of 90 degree angled fittings to "stealth" my tubing, and all I that did was make a feature of it, because I sent it the wrong way round my rad - see:


I mention this because if you think about doing the same, a word of warning - it's a pig stopping the hose getting twisted. As you're trying to hide the hose it might be worth looking at a 90 degree male to male fitting so that you can snug it in the corner a bit more, rather than having a sweeping bend in the hose - that's purely cosmetic though...

Do you know what colour liquid you will be using yet?

Just cooling the CPU? Not the GPU(s) too?

Are you not able to rotate the radiator 180 degrees to get the fittings nearer the pump?

Wonderful work - would love to incorporate some of the features you've done in this into mine, especially the cuts to the "mesh" - classy!
This looks like it's coming along nicely. I ended up having to buy loads of 90 degree angled fittings to "stealth" my tubing, and all I that did was make a feature of it, because I sent it the wrong way round my rad - see:


I mention this because if you think about doing the same, a word of warning - it's a pig stopping the hose getting twisted. As you're trying to hide the hose it might be worth looking at a 90 degree male to male fitting so that you can snug it in the corner a bit more, rather than having a sweeping bend in the hose - that's purely cosmetic though...

Do you know what colour liquid you will be using yet?

Just cooling the CPU? Not the GPU(s) too?

Are you not able to rotate the radiator 180 degrees to get the fittings nearer the pump?

Wonderful work - would love to incorporate some of the features you've done in this into mine, especially the cuts to the "mesh" - classy!

Fluid im using is mayhems pastel white, everything has to be white or black, and i think im running a little short on white at the moment so im adding more white!

I am indeed just cooling cpu at the moment. I hate that my GPU has a blue PCB, it ruins the whole look of my pc so i need to get a new gpu. I haven't decided how im going to go about doing this. I might get another 6970 reference with black pcb, or i could got new gen and WC, or just new gen and keep it on air. Because i move my pc a few times a year i want to be able to remove the pcb easily for transport so staying on air is fairly appealing form that point of view.

I have tried rotating the rad 180 but then both cpu hoses come out one side and the route from rad to pump either ends up coving all of the 5.25 slots by cutting a hole in the bottom of the cage, or it just has to go around it which looks silly. I can try doing it later and upload some snaps.
Thanks - I didn;t realise you could get a white fluid - be interesting to see how that turns out

I only just spotted you're at Brunel - I graduated in Mech Eng from there in 1997. One of my colleagues took his stepdaughter down on Friday for a visit, and from what he's said it's been very heavily developed - your photos don;t look like they were taken on campus :)
Im doing Mech Eng here now, in my second year so living in a house off campus. About 200million has been spent on developing the uni, mostly in sports and politics, sadly all the engineering department got left behind in development i feel.

Only a little off topic there :p
Im doing Mech Eng here now, in my second year so living in a house off campus. About 200million has been spent on developing the uni, mostly in sports and politics, sadly all the engineering department got left behind in development i feel.

Only a little off topic there :p

Sorry - guilty as charged for dragging you off topic :)

Are you planning on repainting the case or are you going to power coat or something?
I am planning to touch up the areas i have cut with some black humbrol paint that i ordered about 3 weeks ago and now having another sent out. This should suffice for a good finish. I would consider a complete re-powercoat if it wasn't expensive, how much is it??

EDIT: Powercoat lol. I meant powder coat!

Well this isn't so much an update as a couple of questions I would like some of your thoughts on.

Graphics Card
As stated earlier in my log, i am aiming for having pc my as quiet as possible. With my current GPU that is impossible, i couldn't hate it anymore than i currently do. The only thing stopping me burning it right here right now is that it is actually worth some money. My plan at the moment is to get one of these:
The colour, power and OC ability are all appealing on this case.

The Phantom 680 would be very nice, but i simply dont know how to justify that price.

Because i need to be able to take my GPU out for moving the case (as i think they damage fairly easily dues to the weight) i don't want to WC my card. Maybe in the future when I don't have to move so much.

Fan Control

Sound obviously is going to come from fans, cant to nout about that but keeping the sound down is imperative. I am not sure whether to go the dialled fan controller on the front to manually control fans, use the motherboard options to control flow, or get a separate temperature controller.

Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

Quick actual update on my current thoughts.

Pump/res is a bit of a pain because the i/o don't both sit facing the same way. The options i have are to have 90degrees rotation like in the other photos, or to go with a 180 degree setup like below. Some benefits when considering stealth-ing behind the mobo tray.

(think my photography skills are getting worse by the day, sorry about this)

So with the pump in that orientation. I have been considering this:
(notice i have also been looking at using the initial drive bay support thing that comes in the case originally to mount the pump. Not too sure on this yet.)

(pump would sit straight not slightly crooked, didn't realise as i took the photo.)

With the picture above, and this one. You can quite easily see how much of my beautiful case i may have to cut away. Not the end of the world. I may also need a special fitting to get it from the rad to the vertical journey back to res, using lots of fitting or short sections of tube are not enticing options.

Sorry about all the tubing updates, it will get more exciting soon i promise! Help me decide on a GPU and that will be a nice upadate :p
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