My Corsair 600T Watercooling


I have come to the conclusion that an air cooled Card just wont cut the mustard in my new system. I plan to choose on watercooled graphics card THIS EVENING, please go here to help me decide on what to get.

Will be getting a 200mm Rad to go with it too so make sure temps are extra special :D

Since I now plan to have a GPU watercooled, there will be somewhere for me to bring my tubes back towards the res so no need for stealth-ing which was getting a bit ridiculous to be honest. Also the 200mm rad means my efforts of making a special fan bracket are wasted, but it looked fairly naff anyway, like this it will be lovely! :D

So here is a little log of what else I have been doing recently.

Painted the shiny parts of the case where I had to Dremel the nice shapes in, pretty good colour match I think, very happy with it:

These arrived today:

The stopped was planned for two things. Putting the temperature sensor in instead of the stopper and then replacing the standard stopper on the top of the res with a lovely bitspower one:

This is what I am considering for the temperature sensor, one connection will accept the return from loop, the other will be an extra short tube for emptying and the temp sensor.

Plus this!

A beautiful Xonar DG with headphone amp so I can make the most of my Beyerdynamic DT770s :D

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Today's work was not at all planned. But i had everything i needed so i thought i may as well get on with it. I didn't take many photos because i was working fairly fast as i have revision to do as well.

In my original build, pic in post #1, the front i/o connectors were braided white. To do this i taped over the current cables which were very thick, and then put the braid over that. This stopped the cables showing through the white braid like this:

For this rebuild i wanted to make my cables more flexible as before they were about 8mm thick. Tape instantly reduced flexibility so i decided just to go for black.

Im Pretty happy with the overall result. will need another dab of paint on the ends but apart from that, all good imo.

To start i cut off all the rubber and shielding (hope it doesn't affect it too much). Used my little knife by sliding the blade most of the way in thus allowing me to cut the rubber and not the inner cables.

Sample USB braiding

And a closer shot

My front i/o connectors, done in pairs and only about 10 inches up the cable.

A fairly awful picture of the final result during testing. It is very difficult to take a picture of something black in low light without a ghastly flash.

I have no idea what my next update will be, because im just doing things in a random order now...

I have made the decision to go with watercooling my graphics card, not only that, but to purchase a whole new graphics card and cool it, exciting stuff :D I made the decision to go with a 7970 because the price point compared to the 680 seems much more competitive and i hear they overclock fairly well, so i went ahead and tried not to mess around too much and ordered the OCUK value card. I decided to send a little message in the customer support to make sure i get a BLACK PCB. I received a prompt reply telling me there was no stock and that if it was ok with me, i would get an HIS card instead. Pfft, its card, and i asked for black PCB, great deal! right?

This is what happened...

So it all started with an unopened box and lots of excitement, nice new shiny always a good thing!

Ooh a 7970, and a waterblock to go with it how exciting!

I began opening the box and taking pictures for my log. I must say at this point i was fairly impressed by the packaging for a company that i considered to be on the low cost side.

Got the card and things started to go down hill because I caught sight of this...


At this point it was fair to say I was steaming from the ears. I asked specifically for black, and i got blue :( For most people i understand this would not be the end of the world but matching the black to the rest of the build was most of the point of getting to so to have blue was, as i put it, "more than a little annoyed". I had planned to block this up today as a nice break in my revision but that was not to be, instead i wrote a note in the customer support section for which i now have an RMA. hopefully then get a black one like originally planned...

For those that are more observant, the block came to which was rather nice to say the least. I didn't get any decent pictures as i left it in the box but here it is an all its glory!

So you asked for a black pcb and they gave you a blue one? Or you asked for a black one and they said there are no more and then they gave you blue?

Sorry im not going to go into details here, not really appropriate. They have accepted RMA and i should be sending back soon and then all will be ok.
Can't you get a backplate?


Shame that you've been let down - the good news is that OCUK are accepting them back, I just hope it isn;t costing you too much in postage etc.

My Zotac and eVGA boards have black PCB's, but they're NVidia GTX480's. No idea why anyone would want a blue pcb or green pcb these days... Guess that's what you get when you go to the budget brands...
I am planning to get a black plate anyway. But you can still see a bit of the PCB through the Gap and where it says EK cut out. For me, even knowing that i didn't get what i paid for is irritating enough, knowing that it doesn't match in my rig is even worse for me.

It is a little picky i know, but when you spend £400, you expect to get what you ask for...

Shame that you've been let down - the good news is that OCUK are accepting them back, I just hope it isn;t costing you too much in postage etc.

My Zotac and eVGA boards have black PCB's, but they're NVidia GTX480's. No idea why anyone would want a blue pcb or green pcb these days... Guess that's what you get when you go to the budget brands...

Gigabyte seem to like blue pcbs too unfortunately and they arn't exactly a budget brand at all. I really want one of their windforce cards but don't like the blue that much.

Op- lovely build. Looking at getting the 600T SE myself soon :D
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