My Created Signatures -

Any Updates The Reperguy?

Yes, replied to you now.
I have been on-call this week/weekend and well was unlucky with lots of incidents. :mad:

I'm free all today!

EDIT: Number 1



EDIT: Number 2

Second one is slightly more forward & larger.



Different car with a black background instead.

I wanted to go for more of a clean look considering cars are normally sleek.
Didn't go too overboard with brushes & text, working on another one that isn't so white.

Cars are difficult because you can't use the full width of the signature, most car signatures are 200x75 and such!
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Hello,Thank you for doing them! i like the 2nd one with the black background,Any way of making it without the half a car at the end? and my name ect behide the car?
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Are you still taking requests for signatures? If yes, could you possible do me one as well? :)


I would like something simple with AE86 <---- doesn't have to be based on this picture, it also doesn't have to be animated something like THIS will do as well as long as its AE86 Trueno if the picture is from the front the back can be from Levin e.g. AE86 Levin :D
Font but I'm open to your proposition :)

If possible could you do two? One with just my forum nickname: IC3
and another one with my forum nickname and this quote
“When your Daemon is in charge, do not try to think consciously. Drift, wait, and obey.”
―Rudyard Kipling
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Had a rough week sorry guys.
Not even looked at my PC! - Will get yours updated Snips.

Luke, the signature is yours if you want it.
IC3, I'll knock something up.
Thuny, tis on the way.

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