My dream has come true: Ship Simulator 2006

KraniX said:
i think it looks good but i saw this on another site and had to share it with you, did make me laugh.

Paint Dry Simulator 2006 is a revolutionary new game that puts players at the brush of some of the most varied and detailed paint colors to be found on fences and houses, where they will need to perform a multitude of tasks, all set within a stunning 3D environment. Players will take control of a wide array of paint colors, from bright whites to soft blues, yellows, greens and even the mighty vibrant red. The fences you paint are also as varied as the colors, from the biggest wooden fences in the neighborhood, such as mansions and the villas, to the calm white picket fences of grandma's house. Gamers will experience how challenging it is to paint a fence with a small brush, or just how it feels to use a roller brush to get that fence done quick - including how diverse the brush handles are.

:D :D

LOL - that made me laugh as well - in fact couldn't stop laughing but you could have warned readers not to have a mouth full of food when reading - I've just produced the worlds first pizza monitor.

Regarding the game - don't think I'll bother with that one - wouldn't mind trying the paint brush simulator though :p .

P.S Whats the best thing to clean a TFT monitor with.
This could be good.... but is MUST had decent weather/wind/waves etc. Without being able to captain the ships through storms it'll be a mighty missed opportunity.
FishFluff said:
If this game has pirates it might be good. Maybe.
Ahh, now were talking. Maybe if you could skipper navy vessels with a fully functional arsenal at your disposal, it might be worth a shot.... sadly i think not though.
Spunj99 said:
'Flog' eh?


Dirty sea men!

*snigger again*

Great post you have there :D

I wonder if you can make the crew and passengers sea sick so they spew everywhere or if it gets really stormy :D
Quantic said:
It's not a Microsoft title. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

As for the Titanic hitting the iceberg head on. If Murdoch has just thrown the engines into reverse but stayed on course for the iceberg, they would have hit the berg at approx 10 knots. There would have been unthinkable damage to the ship. The whole front would crumple in. HOWEVER, only one or two of the watertight bulkheads would have been ruptured. Remember, the Titanic could survive would FOUR even FIVE of it's bulkheads ruptured. The Titanic would stay afloat indefinitly - enough time for the passengers to be offloaded to another ship and the Titanic towed to New York for repairs.

Titanic would have sunk no matter what dude, its water tight bulkheads only went up a number of decks, not the entire structure, water would have risen so far, then found another route around/over the top of the water tight doors.

Modern ships have watertight bulk heads which can seal the complete super structure. This was a development which came about as a result of the titanic and a few other sinkings.
Datamonkey said:
Titanic would have sunk no matter what dude, its water tight bulkheads only went up a number of decks, not the entire structure, water would have risen so far, then found another route around/over the top of the water tight doors.

Modern ships have watertight bulk heads which can seal the complete super structure. This was a development which came about as a result of the titanic and a few other sinkings.

No no no no. If only 1-3 of the bulkheads were ruptured then the water would not have been able to rise to the height of the bulkheads (E-Deck) due to it's level in the water not being reduced that far. Pure physics dude!
Quantic said:
No no no no. If only 1-3 of the bulkheads were ruptured then the water would not have been able to rise to the height of the bulkheads (E-Deck) due to it's level in the water not being reduced that far. Pure physics dude!

Sorry mate, but the combination of the sheer weight of water that was flooded into the 3 compartments would still have started the hulls "self destruct" where it literally tore itself apart under stresses its designers never allowed for, nor, had the ability to build a stronger design of hull.

Explains better than I ever could.
warren_1979 said:
No if titanic had of hit the iceberg head on it would have stayed afloat. Its a fact.
Head-on collision with the iceberg scenario

Edward Wilding was asked about the possible result of hitting the berg head on. His figures were considered valid by the authors. In a head-on collision, the bow would have compacted some 80-100 feet, flooding the first two compartments. If three compartments were breached, you still have a ship afloat. For Mr. Murdoch, charged with making a decision, a head-on collision means you condemn the crewmen in the forward crew spaces and possibly some third class passengers in the forward spaces.

Without KNOWING the outcome in advance, no court on the planet would have exonerated Murdoch for the loss of life without trying to avoid the collision. The shock of the collision would have been similar to stopping your car from 25mph in an 80 to 100 foot distance. Sleeping passengers probably wouldn't have noticed. Other passengers would have felt a minor lurch forward. Try it in a parking lot.

On the other hand, such a collision does send shock waves through the length of the ship and this can pop rivets and even streamline fittings in the center of the ship. The hull will bend and compress in a sudden stop and produce a great deal of unexpected damage. This has been found to be the case in ships suffering near misses by bombs and shells during war. The shock to the hull from a near miss can play havoc in the engine spaces.

no chance,

she sailed from where? liverpool was it?

surprised she still had her screws attached as she tried to leave her berth lol

Joke for the scousers amongst us.

Liverpool docks is a lovely place, wouldnt leave my car there though on the way to the isle of man ;)

an before any scouser replys that manx are inbred i'm not manx

Note i dont think manx are inbreds, (christ diggin myself out of holes here)

I will get the game (sim) when it comes out. Just have to ask for it to be put in a brown paper bag before leaving the shop, wouldnt want to bump into any mates, an if i did atleast they would think i had a dirty mag or summat more manly lol :D
Ship Simulator 2006 is a revolutionary new ship simulation game, whereby you get the ability to steer various ships in different environments. Both the graphical quality of the ships and their dynamic behavior are completely realistic, so the game is not only fun, but you learn something about ship maneuvering along the way.

Wow, you actually get to steer the ships, in different environments!

Im struggling to see how this can be 'fun', but im gonna download the demo anyway...
It reminds me a lot of those 'Search and Rescue' games. Maybe that's because you only get to control a rescue boat in the demo. :p Can't wait to see what controlling the Titanic feels like.
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