my First Build

I have had abit of a small update.

I wanted to get better air flow to the gpu, so i decided to take the hard drive cage out, and re mount them at the top.

I got another 200mm bitfenix fan as well.

200mm on front pushing into the case
120mm on botton pushing into case

200mm on top, exhaust out
120mm on back exhaust out.

with the cage gone, there is nothing in the way for the air flow to the gpu, cpu so they get a nice flow of air.

I had another clean up of the wires as well.

what do you think?

here is the cage out (i had to remove the pop revits)

the hard drive cage


pics of the fans


the wire clean up

the new space


what do you think?

looks to be a 7950 still but a winforce version. good choice tbh, i prefer the look of the windforce.

how are you finding the motherboard, some people have had issues with it not downclocking the cpu when idle. also with the ram set the voltage to 1.5v instead of 1.65v

i have the same ram and it runs fine at 1.5v which is safer than 1.65v

very clean build though, you have done a great job with the cables, even the back its very neat
tbh im not all that clued up on OC ram speed etc.

everything is standard oc. im running windows 8 64

it was put together, os up dates and 12.11 on the gpu

my next job is to read up on how to update the mobo bios lol

yes i changed from the his iceq boost to the gigabite windforce x3 7950.
Really nice build man, when i get my new mobo mines gonna look something like that, i really dig the black stealthy clean look. Awesome job
Hi all, I have just got another windforce 7950 card that I am going to run in crossfire. Is there anything else I would need please?

Hi all, I have just got another windforce 7950 card that I am going to run in crossfire. Is there anything else I would need please?

Nice one mate that extra 7950 will give you a good bit of extra GPU grunt. Where's the pictures tho, I'm really liking this build, clean and simple :)
Pictures will be up soon. Hope to have the card before the weekend. Will my power supply be OK?

I also changed my hard drives to wd black

With a 750W power supply you should be fine for a pair of 7950 cards mate. I'd get confirmation off a couple of other guys, but I recon you'll be alright :-)
Looking forward to seeing the pictures
You could also look at swapping out the stock fans on the K2 for a single TY-147. I did the same when I had mine and it did the same job (if not better) as both stock fans.

This however is dependant on the noise and if it bothers you!
would It be worth putting a fan or two into the case side to blow onto them?

Apart from the crossover wire, do I need anything else to get it up and running please?
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Hi all

I have fitted the second 7950 and have had a game on bf4, but the FPS are around 20+ down!!

how come the performance is not as good.

where am I going wrong please?

In the BIOS check the 2nd PCI-E lane is enabled/set to the fastest it can operate (I've heard some motherboards disable the secondary lane by default).

Also possibly update the motherboard/video drivers?
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