My First Real go at Overclocking...

pah I knew that already!!!! :p

any suggestions on how to bump my FSB up a bit more on this board?

/me sells old vencie on ebay to put money toward DFI-Ultra-D :D
Well, with a bit of searching and a few prayers said to the big man, I decided to gamble and try and flash my GA-K8NF-9 to a GA-K8NF-9ULTRA.

At first the PC wouldnt reboot, but after I reset the CMOS, up it came with a shiny new ULTRA BIOS :D

so I went up to my last settings of 290 FSB and all was fine. I then pumped to 295, first off windows crashed after the splash screen, but by upping to 1.45v I managed to get into windows, checked CPU-Z and low and behold Im up past 290FSB now!!

Testing Prime now, will give it an hour or so.


Hopefully now I can push well past 300 FSB and get the 2.8-9GHZ I rekon this chip is capable of! :D
You can just use clockgen to raise your HTT in windows mate, thats I what resorted to with these boards. You should have a bit more headroom on the voltages too, I use 1.6-1.65V on mine.

Nice effort on the BIOS flash btw, very creative :)
I tried clockgen before and it wouldnt work.

This is working well atm so Im gonna push on - I want at least 2.8 now!!! :p

thanks for the kind words too! :)

This is where Im at now


flown past FX-57 speeds, load temp of 43'c is fairly good, I could probably get to 3.1 but I dunno if I wanna go any higher.

Hows that for a first overclock? :cool:

ed- my HTT is at *3, should I lower to*2 or doesnt it matter seeing as it looks fairly stable?
Lol, go for it.
I would try lowering you HTT to 2x with no more OCing and see what happens.
Other wise just overclock a few FSP at a time.

doesnt seem to like it if I drop the HTT down to 2, Im getting BSOD's and everything.

to get it to boot into windows Im having to up the volts a little too much, like 1.55, and thats gonna raise temps a bit much for my liking, so I think 3003mhz is about my limit.

I will tinker, but doesnt look like my motherboard is going to allow any further. Althought 3.1 would be nice!

3ghz off a £70 CPU isnt to be sniffed at to say the least! 67% overclock from stock ;)
yeah but if I drop the HTT to 2x even if I up the volts and get into windows CPU-Z reports everything wrong and my mhz as 1700 :eek:
it was all going so well at 3ghz! But now it isnt!!!:(

it was Prime stable for an hour or so, I went downstairs, came back up to check and it was still fine.

I then decided to fire off a quick email to someone while I was there, and I.E crashed, then I got a BSOD.

Restarted the PC, and even with BIOS set at 333*9 CPU-Z reports only 1700mhz!

Im now back at 290*9 (2615) which I know to be stable from earlier tests (this was stable for 7 hours over night). But for some reason Im now having the same problem of not being able to push the FSb beyond 290! set it to 291 in BIOS and CPU-Z only reports 290!

wtf it was all fine earlier now for some reason Ive got the same bug!!

this motherboard is well strange, gonna have to get rid of it :(
this chip flies, Im sure of that!

I went to 3ghz without much effort - its down to my motherboard, I know this because Ive been reading many threads about strange happenings with it.

Anyway if i could clock to 3ghz on this fussy mobo, just think what I can get with a good one!

what do you think; DFI-Ultra-D?
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