My first SFF build


I think you should be on comission Drexel, I reckon ocuk will sell the kit to make about twenty more judging by the peoples interest in your thread. I'm keen to see if you find any limitations in the system over the next few weeks.
Can anyone link me to a cheap good DVD drive (possibly slot loading?) for the SG05

New stuff to me :)

Also, SG05 (79.99) or the SG06 (92.99)?
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Can anyone link me to a cheap good DVD drive (possibly slot loading?) for the SG05

New stuff to me :)

I personally use a Samsung SN-T083C dvd/rw drive. It's not that cheap (£35) but it's a nice drive and suits the SGO5 nicely being quite minimalist.

How are your temps under full load in that case? Have you tried a decent gaming session yet to see what good usage warms it up to? Do SSD's suffer from high heat like hard drives do?

How are your temps under full load in that case? Have you tried a decent gaming session yet to see what good usage warms it up to? Do SSD's suffer from high heat like hard drives do?

Yep, been playing through Crysis again. CPU Load temps are around 55c, never any higher than 60c, and the GPU hits ~73c max. SSDs hardly put out any heat at all.
Yeah, it's a great little case which is really well ventilated, and the front 120mm intake fan creates positive pressure inside the case and forces the hot air out through all the ventilation holes :)

Heat is not an issue with SSDs, obviously you don't want to be sitting one on top of an active CPU heatsink, but with normal case temps it shouldn't be an issue.
Thanks for the DVD drive reccomendation. Have you managed to have a play with an SG06 yet? I'm unsure about whether to go for the 05 or 06. £6 difference between the two.
Drexel mate, just looking at the ATI 6 series but I was wondering, how long exactly do you have to play with in terms of graphics card in order to still be able to accomodate the H5O?
Drexel mate, just looking at the ATI 6 series but I was wondering, how long exactly do you have to play with in terms of graphics card in order to still be able to accomodate the H5O?

8.5" if you mount the H50 like I have.
Well all my kit arrived yesterday, can't wait to start clocking the 760. Any gotchas with the i5/H55N? Did you top out at 4ghz, or get it any higher?

Any gotchas with the i5/H55N? Did you top out at 4ghz, or get it any higher?


Just make sure you leave load-line calibration off, if you switch it on at anything above ~3.4ghz it spikes the current and trips the overcurrent protection on the board which manifests itself as a hard lock requiring the power to be physically switched off and on.

Mine will boot into windows at 4.2 but it's not stable at all. I've actually backed it off to 3.9 now (186 x 21) because I was getting the occasional BSOD at 4.0. I've found that this board/CPU combo overclocks best when leaving everything on auto apart from the vcore and ram voltage. When I manually try to set the QPI/VTT it immediately becomes unstable for me.

So yeah, basically to get a rock solid 3.9ghz my settings are:

Base Clock - 186
Multi - 21
Turbo off
LLC off

That's pretty much it, everything esle is on auto/default :)
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Yeah, it's a great little case which is really well ventilated, and the front 120mm intake fan creates positive pressure inside the case and forces the hot air out through all the ventilation holes :)

Will be interesting to see how dusty it gets, as Shuttle used that description. But they lacked any filters.
Dust doesn't seem to be an issue so far, the filter on the SG05 seems to be working well :)
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