My fortress is better than yours - TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT

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lol, you fruit. :p

To think that this guy is responsible for planes not bumping into each other, next time you feel a shudder in a plane, think back to this thread, and ask yourself if you should be just a little worried.... :D

You need a few more "political paintings" on your fortress walls though. A blank white wall, thats going to stand out like a sore thumb here.
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I regret to infrom everyone that my fortress collapsed on top of me whilst I was sleeping. I wasn't injured but the fortress is no more.

My head hurts.
I've a big yellow stripy blanket you could borrow for a camoflauged roof if ever you get invaded by desert troops - next time you're back in lurgan give me a tinkle - hope you're using clothes pegs though or you let the side down.
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