My Garage has residents

they LOOK like baby mice, rats are quite big

would need more clear pictures to tell you thou, but best leave them be
merlin said:
Si - I dare you to post me one in a Jiffy bag, give it some cheese to eat on the way down and send it 1st class.

I'll post a pic of him when he arrives. :D

rofl :p
merlin said:
Si - I dare you to post me one in a Jiffy bag, give it some cheese to eat on the way down and send it 1st class.

I'll post a pic of him when he arrives. :D

Ain't that illegal ? lol :p
Mechanical Arts said:
There was mice in our garage once. One of them got inside my mums micra and chewed a big whole in the seat :/


That reminds me!

My snooker table that I was bought for christmas many years ago now was nibbled on by some mice!! :mad:
Enfield said:

That reminds me!

My snooker table that I was bought for christmas many years ago now was nibbled on by some mice!! :mad:

Oh crap- My snooker table is in the corner.

Ah well I expect to find everything eaten by tomorrow morning, maybe I should leave them too it and leave some black bags out for them :p
real said:
Kill them and clean up your garage.

That's painful, there is no way on earth I would be able to..........

clean the garage. My mum would think there was soemthign wrong with me
Give them a bar of soap, seriously!

I used to have rats/mice (never did see them) in my old flat. Bars of soap constantly went missing. I happened to mention it to somebody, and they said they loved soap. Cue plates of blue rodent posion! :mad:

If it were me, I'd contact the RSPCA and ask them to evict your non-paying residents. Then again that match idea would be a good....with a little lighter fuel. :D
Simon said:
Oh crap- My snooker table is in the corner.

Ah well I expect to find everything eaten by tomorrow morning, maybe I should leave them too it and leave some black bags out for them :p

No wrong lol, put them in a black bin bag and drown them. :p
One thing, make sure whether they are mice or rats.

Rat :


Mouse :


Mice can and will be rather destructive as they tend to eat 4 to 10 times thier weight in food just to stay ahead of thier metabolism. Rats on the other hand, will only grow to as big as thier pallatble food supply is, and they tend to be rather picky eaters. Mice will eat anything they can chew.

If they're rats, I would keep my eye on them and as soon as they look like they're ready to open thier eyes, take them and start feeding them yourself and make them pets. If they are mice, I would get them out of there and as far away from your house as possible, preferrably in a trash bin and dead. Rats make EXCELLENT "pocket" pets, even if they were born in the wild. They are the easiest animals to domesticate into pets. Mice, on the other hand, are only good as pet food for owls and snakes. They make TERRIBLE pets.

Any other questions as to making a rat a pet, all three IM proggies are under my avatar.....
hell if you starve mice they will chew each other. my sisters had mice and never fed them, found theyd been trying to eat each other :eek:

had me a pet rat once, great things, good for keeping aunts out of the house :p
Mickey_D said:
. Rats make EXCELLENT "pocket" pets, even if they were born in the wild.

agreed, i wouldn't be without my rats. unfortunately they are too small to tell now. the best way of seeing is if the animal has big back paws. rats do.
Mickey_D said:
Rats make EXCELLENT "pocket" pets, even if they were born in the wild.

Isn't there a chance that they could have some nasty decease that they can pass on to you if you get bitten, weils disease or something :confused:
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