My head or my heart?

My head adds the necessary pragmatism and rationality, stopping me from getting into stupid/painful situations that I used to get into years ago. :)

I'm not bitter, just wiser. ;)
Stuff those feelings down, stuff them right down, and eventually they'll go away.

That's what a real man does
Depends on the situations, sometimes the heart wins sometimes the rational side wins. More often than not heart wins for me, but at work although I rely on gut instincts, my guts have been known to have **** for brains - so I'm more analytical... in my personal life, I go where my life takes me and flit around as a free spirit, which I rather enjoy.

Well problem is that just gets you into trouble. If I'd gone with my head I'd have a GF now, I went with my heart and chased someone I felt I liked more... Who doesn't like me.. :p
You need a balance of both.

Girls always chase what they cannot have. If you make your heart or love too easily accessible, it can become very unsatisfying for them after the honeymoon period as they have no challenges or insecurity.

Always keep them guessing and make them feel as though there are other priorities in your life that are as high or higher than them and they will constantly fight to rise above. Even if you are a soppy guy inside who is head over heels, it's always best to conceal it to a degree when starting out in my opinion.
Heart, it's what you want it's what you'll be happy doing. Use your head if it's not going well though as that can help and you will soon come to learn to control both some what :D!

You need a balance of both.

Girls always chase what they cannot have. If you make your heart or love too easily accessible, it can become very unsatisfying for them after the honeymoon period as they have no challenges or insecurity.

Always keep them guessing and make them feel as though there are other priorities in your life that are as high or higher than them and they will constantly fight to rise above. Even if you are a soppy guy inside who is head over heels, it's always best to conceal it to a degree when starting out in my opinion.

^ This. The above works wonders and it has kept things going great for me, takes some time to get it right though but count that as a bit of fun learning.
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