My head or my heart?

Ha thanks for the replies/advice :) things can only get better right!

Oh and as the the 'dumb thread' comment... why did you even bother?!
A few times with the same person, same situation... just difficult to walk away

suppose its just to see what others think and maybe im not completly mental! :(

Best advice is to cease all contact. No being friends afterwards, nothing. It will just reopen wounds. History has a tendendancy to repeat itself. You'll become a tortured soul if you continually go crawling back. Do not idealise women, you are a catch, have self belief and confidence. She needs to be thankful to be with you. It must be mutual.

There are plenty of more compatible women out there once you take off your love goggles and enable yourself to see her but not on that love induced pedestal. I realise it will take time for any to be comparable. Sometimes your first one, is not the "one" .. Love and the need to be loved are evil traits.

Most girls will lose a lot of respect and attraction to guys who smother them of commits / falls for them too easily. They love it at very first, but when you're giving them your all from the get go, there's nowhere to go afterwards. I am not saying do not invest yourself, but do it slowly and make them earn it. Also if the relationship ends prematurely you will suffer less loss.

Time, distractions and family are the best things for getting over it and staying positive :)
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