I am in the same boat as the OP and many other posters here.
Still running my trusty Sandybridge i7-2600k clocked @4.2ghz, 16GB DDR3 @1600mhz, upgraded the GPU to an EVGA 1070 8GB a couple of years ago.
Looking at how little CPU tech has improved, I am kind of wondering what returns on investing in a new CPU/motherboard/RAM will provide but......
I thought my 4770k/Asus SabertoothZ87vwith 16gb was OK but upgrading to a R5 3600 has made considerable difference to my minimal FPS numbers and overall smoothness in games.
...this is a thing.
I don't play competative games really, and
most of my games run pretty smooth at 60fps, 1440p and it suits me fine, BUT, I play PUBG now and then, and the low FPS spikes I get, always seem to happen at the worst moments, and basically get you killed. After playing it at my brothers place on his new Ryzen build, the whole game just feels MUCH smoother, even though the reported frame rate isnt that different. The other thing about the low FPS spikes it that it hits everything, input lag, netcode lag etc, so its not great.
But part of me wonders, am I really THAT bothered?
However there is the other side......
I wonder if, people on 2nd gen i5s/i7s have ridden the "look at me my CPU has lasted a decade" wave for so long, we don't want to admit that finally, actually, CPU technologoy is now a fair chunk better. Or maybe we have become so attached to a peice of hardware, sad as it sounds, we just dont want to let it go?
I think I am heading towards getting a new system, part of me thinks if my motherboard bricked itself now, id actually be a little bit pleased?
But.... the sensible side of me thinkgs two things. 1. Due to the pandemic etc, people working from home, the demand and supply, hardware prices are up at the monent. 2. The new gen of AMD CPU's is getting some hype. 2. Personal note but, given everythign I'd like to make sure my job is stable(ish) before forking about probably heading towards a grand for a decent upgrade.
One thing is sure, when I do eventually replace this CPU I am framing it.
EDIT: seems I cant count, meh whatever