My last lesson before test :-/

23 Feb 2004
Brentwood, Essex
Is at 3pm today, bit nervous for some reason, eaten 8 bananas today and plan to eat another 2, no im not hungry but they are really good on my lessons. I've been taking rescue remedy and hopefully this will pull me through todays lesson and tomorrows test which I have at 10.44am tomorrow morning.
All the best for tomorrow :)

Ive got mine in less than 3 weeks, I am just going to not think about it as much as possible, because thats when nerves kick in and people make stupid mistakes. I managed to do it for my bike test and just rode like I was with my instructor and I got a good pass. If I can do the same with the car I am home and dry, assuming I dont fail becuase I dont react to someone else doing something stupid.

Just try and relax and forget all about it, you can always do it again if you fail, its not the end of the world.
For me its hard to try and teach myself that there is no test insructor there and its just my lesson instructor,

any tips :p
Goodluck mate.

Just remember to drive naturally, and don't try to perfect everything, as you may forget basic things which will lead to schoolboy errors.

Also, you seem a little nervous so it's best not to think about the test, try and take your mind of it, and get a good nights sleep. :)
9761 said:
For me its hard to try and teach myself that there is no test insructor there and its just my lesson instructor,

any tips :p

"Think of the examiner as a friend of yours, and that they're giving you directions to their house - just listen to the directions they give etc. Don't get worked up if you see them mark the report, it's usually just to mark that you performed a particular maneuver, imagine it as a crossword instead of the driving report."

I tried that to trick myself before my test. Not sure if it worked during the drive as I knew I was going to pass before hand, but it did work in the end. :)
dont see the examiner as an enemy, and make sure you give them a good impression if yourself before you go out on the test

hopefully you can hop out of the car at the end waving your certificate about with a big smile on your face :D
cyclopopcicle said:
how did you know?

Well without coming along all arrogant and that, I just found it too easy. Lessons were no longer a challenge for me and my instructor told me he'd nothing else to teach me nor could he find anything for me to improve on. On the buildup to my test, I didn't feel like a learner at all, maybe you can say I was over confident, but deep down I just find driving easy, and the test for me wasn't problem, because all it was for me was to drive as I normally would. So confidence combined with ego, made me know I was going to pass.

Sorry if I come along the wrong way, I'm not trying to boost or anything, just expressing how I looked forward to my driving test and how easy I found it.
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If you come across a tricky situation, don't wait for your instructor to tell you what to do as he won't be there! :p Instead, think it through and ask yourself whether it's safe. Have you taken a mock yet?
I had a 2 hour lesson on the Monday before my test on the Wednesday. I was abosolutely woeful. Stalls, bad positioning, hesitation, just dreadful. I was not looking forward to Wednesday. The hour before my test I was ok-ish, but then when I was waiting in the test centre I just found a new level of concentration. Then when I saw that my examiner was an attractive young lady I felt even less intimidated.

Anyway I passed, and apparantly it's commonplace to have a bit of a 'mare in the lessons prior to your test, just nerves, I'm sure you'll be fine. Best of luck :)

Just hope it doesn't pour down with rain like it did today on the A12, I couldn't see!
Best of luck, try and clear your mind before the test. You'll do the best you can, and with a bit of driver skill, that will be all you need to pass :)

Your instructor must think so anyway!
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