My least favourite Arm Saga :/




They havent even told me how it went. The surgeon didnt leave any notes and was gone when I woke up. I have no idea what they have done to me.

I will phone him tomorrow for what better be a damned good explanation.
I have my fingers crossed for you.

Went to the hospital the other day coz I get tingling in last 2 fingers of both hands. I was told I may have slightly trapped my ulner nerves sleeping with bent arms. I am a bit worried about it now. I try to keep them straight. But nowhere as bad as you I know. That website was useful indeed!
My arm as of yesterday:



A friend of mine in the US had a couple of operations to put a nerve in his arm back into place. He's fine now but he went through hell.

Is it any better now?
yes my leg looked pretty bad, snapped it in half kickboxing years back. I have nerve damage, cannot feel anything below half way down my left shin bone... quite a party trick actually lol stick pins in it all night and not feel a thing. They did say that where they had to cut off dead tissue would grow back out so I would not be left with a depression where the meat had been snipped.... years later its not improved much! Ce-la-vie! :p
Amp34 said:
mmm nice, love the bruise. :eek:

Whats the scratches or cuts that look like a bar code? :confused:

The bruising was like 10 times worse a few days ago :eek: It was absolutely horrific. It went all the way from my armpit to half way up my for arm and was purple and looked actual black in places.

The bar code looks to be blood blisters, its not broken the skin there.

Cybermyk said:
A friend of mine in the US had a couple of operations to put a nerve in his arm back into place. He's fine now but he went through hell.

Is it any better now?

Certainly not better enough for me to be able to sleep more than I have in a row for the last 5 months :( It actually seems MUCH worse that it was before I went for the operation. I've lost a lot of the use of my left hand. The tingling in my hand is worse than ever and feels like I'm being electrocuted over again whenever I touch it. My main concern at the moment is a crippling ripping sensation I get in my wrist when I move my hand.

The swelling has gone down trememndously though. When I can out of hospital my hand was twice its normal size and I couldnt move it.

Still pretty much sure they have messed it up though. Think I will need another operation with a surgeon who isn't so clearly angered at the fact I have done him out of £5000 by not going privately with him and still getting it done by him so quickly after the conduction studies.

When I came out of hospital the surgeon hadn't bothered to write any notes so nobody could tell me if I have had a decompression or a transposition of the nerve because the surgeons page was completely blank.

I made an appointment to see the surgeon again 2 days after the op as a matter of urgency to find out what the hell he had done to me and what happened at this appointment completely baffled and upset both me and my mother who escorted me.....

The surgeon near enough went completely mental at us both, calling us liars when we told him there weren't any notes so we didnt know what had been done and what the aftercare should be. He came in angry as hell actually shouting at us untill he was red in the face! I honestly couldnt ****ing believe it!!

Before he came in, a nurse came in with gloves on and a pair of scissors ready to remove the bandages (was more like a cast than bandages but not quite set) and I said "erm, I'm not here to have my bandges removed, its less than 48 hours since I came out of surgery." She was like oh god yeah we wont take that off then, and went away.

Then he came storming in.....The first thing he said, christ not even said, he was shouting from the moment he walked in loud enough for the entire waiting room of about 30 people to hear... was "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!! i DON'T NEED TO SEE YOU YET, I ONLY SAW YOU ON WEDNESDAY!!!

I explained that I needed to see him because I was in excruciating pain and thought he should see the state of my hand etc and that I needed more information as my notes were blank when I was discharged from hospital. So I didn't have any idea what had been done or how I should care for my arm.

He wen't mental and tore all my bandages off with his bare hands!!!!! No gloves or anything, didnt even ask me to lift my arm, just grabbed it and started ripping them of. Literally hurting me a great deal in the process!!! Tore it all off down to the wound and goes "THERE!!!!!!!! I'VE HAD A LOOK!!!!!! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!!!!!!!!"

I was like "**** what the hell! calm down mate" as he tore away at it.

My mum asked if I had stitches and if they would need to be removed and he didn't even answer her, he simpley goes "SHOW YOU'RE MOTHER THE WOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as he grabbed my arm and lifted it up.

I asked him what proceedure I had had and shouted "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!!!! YOU'VE HAD YOUR OPERATION!!! AND YOU'VE HAD IT DONE QUICKLY!!!!!!! WHAT MORE DID YOU WANT??!!?!!!" then he stormed out and didnt come back. As he left the room he was actually red in the face neck and arms and was almost shaking with rage!!.

There was much more shouting than this, but I was so shocked I can't even remember it. I didn't have chance to retort and neither did my mum.

He didnt give us chance to ask ANY of the question I needed to ask about after care or anything.

Dont know if I can get it wet don't know when I can start using it. Don't know what the HELL this pain in my wrist is about. Literally don't know anything he wouldn't even tell us if the operation had been a success.

He was a complete ****ing ******* and I will be making a formal complaint against him as soon as my mum is back from holiday. I'm completely enraged from just thinking about it now to the extent that I feel like getting in my car (even though there is no way on earth I can drive for a while) and going and hunting him down and actually battering him half to death.

I have never been spoken to like that in all of my life!!!!! Certainly not without a violent reaction verbally or physically from myself that would make him wish he'd never studied medicine!!! AND CERTAINLY NOT INFRONT OF, AND DIRECTED AT MY MOTHER!!!!!!

My mum said she was bloody glad she had come with me as she wouldnt have believed me when I said he had been so outrageously rude had she not been there to see it for herself.

My mum is COMPLETELY anti-swearing, can't even say crap infront of her, but I shouted the other c word infront of her the moment he left the room loud enough for him to clearly hear and she simply said "You are not wrong!"

THATS how bad it was.


GOD!!! I am SOOO angry every time I think about it!!!! I Just honestly can't ****ing believe it ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I honestly think if my mum hadn't been there I would have gone for him. I still want to right now ffs. It was the most completely unproffessional, unbelievable and unforgettable thing I have ever been subjected to in my whole life.

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Guru, first off, go to a solicitor and have him request a copy of the appointment book for that day and get a complete list of everyone that may or may not have been in the waiting room at the same time as you.

Get the solicitor to contact every single one of them and have them make statements as to what they saw the doctor say and do.

Turn those statements in to whoever (someone else will be able to say what the UK equivilant is) handles cases of misconduct and inappropriate behaviour of a medical proffessional.

That man doesn't deserve to be operating on a dead frog, let alone a living human being. For a surgeon he has glaring anger management issues that need to be resolved before he is let out of his house unsupervised ever again!!!
Wow... :eek:

Surely him grabbing and pulling your arm like he did could've caused damage?

I'd take Mickey_D's advice personally. You have witnesses - use them. First port of call I would make though would be my local GP, see if he can assess you. I'd then get back onto the hospital and explain the situation and tell them that you will take this further if need be.
Holy crap - that is absolutely AWFUL.
Mickey_D said:
Guru, first off, go to a solicitor and have him request a copy of the appointment book for that day and get a complete list of everyone that may or may not have been in the waiting room at the same time as you.

Get the solicitor to contact every single one of them and have them make statements as to what they saw the doctor say and do.

Turn those statements in to whoever (someone else will be able to say what the UK equivilant is) handles cases of misconduct and inappropriate behaviour of a medical proffessional.

That man doesn't deserve to be operating on a dead frog, let alone a living human being. For a surgeon he has glaring anger management issues that need to be resolved before he is let out of his house unsupervised ever again!!!
Do this.

Good luck :(
WoW :eek:

Reading that I feel angry for you! :mad: Take Mickey's advice as it's the most logical way to go about this - get professional help and get back up.

Good luck.
Another vote for following M_D's advice to the letter. I've dealt with some numpties during the time I was getting my knee sorted, but that really is beyond the pale.
Mickey_D said:
Guru, first off, go to a solicitor and have him request a copy of the appointment book for that day and get a complete list of everyone that may or may not have been in the waiting room at the same time as you.

Get the solicitor to contact every single one of them and have them make statements as to what they saw the doctor say and do.

Turn those statements in to whoever (someone else will be able to say what the UK equivilant is) handles cases of misconduct and inappropriate behaviour of a medical proffessional.

That man doesn't deserve to be operating on a dead frog, let alone a living human being. For a surgeon he has glaring anger management issues that need to be resolved before he is let out of his house unsupervised ever again!!!

This sounds like a plan to me tbh.

Only thing I'm worried about is that nobody will have heard it. I think it will have been loud enough for it to have been heard in the waiting room, but we were a fair bit away from it, like down the corridor and around the corner kind of thing.

Still can't believe it, if I wasn't drunk right now after a crackin man u game I'd be livid again :p
bloody hell mate i hope your arm gets better, get that SOB sorted, he should NOT have done that =/

I thought that they HAD to talk to you afterwards,tell you how it went/what to do now etc....:(

No swearing

Sweet geezes - id of knocked his head off, theres one thing I dont scrimp on is my own health if I had majorish surgery similar to you id wanna know what the hell was going on and a full report and at the VERY least id want the medical staff to help ,there ment to be the experts, hell im that livid at your report on your experiences I want you to tell me the surgens name and where he works ! Ill phone him up and ask him for a statement! say im from a newspaper or something ;) im sure he will get off his arse then
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