My least favourite Arm Saga :/

this is an msn convo i had after my op, kinda explains everything i remember, im still mashed up from all the drugs they gave me. Typing is a chore so cut n paste f t w.

21:02:54 Dan: oioi
21:03:06 Alex: oioi m8
21:04:06 Dan: how do?
21:04:50 Alex: pah
21:05:01 Alex: pretty ******
21:05:11 Dan: :(
21:05:18 Dan: what did they find out?
21:05:36 Alex: they scraped a load of crap out of my arm and removed the cover of the joint
21:06:13 Alex: and now i am in plaster with my arm forced straight for 3 weeks
21:09:44 Dan: **** man
21:09:53 Alex: aye
21:10:05 Dan: and what do they reckon?
21:10:36 Alex: cant really remember
21:10:46 Alex: they messed up bad
21:10:51 Dan: do they think it will need another op?
21:11:22 Alex: they gave me 8 times more morphine than last time
21:11:31 Alex: still fully battered from it
21:11:32 Dan: that must be a LOT!
21:11:40 Dan: not ****ing suprised mate
21:11:44 Alex: yeah ****in loads
21:11:53 Alex: like 4 or 5 syringes worth
21:12:03 Dan: ****
21:12:08 Alex: cause i was in full on agony mate
21:12:33 Alex: they had put my plaster on too tight!!! so when my arm was swollen up it cut off all the blood!
21:12:48 Dan: ****in numpty *****
21:12:50 Alex: so they had to cut it off and re-do it
21:13:09 Dan: so did they actually fix anything today or were they just insiude checking it out?
21:13:14 Alex: was ****ing horrible :(
21:13:56 Alex: thought they had proper shafted it cause i couldnt move/feel my hand or anything. I thought they had severed the nerves
21:14:07 Dan: :(
21:14:11 Dan: u can now though yeah?
21:14:41 Alex: but it was just cause my plaster cut the blood off at the top and the bottom
21:14:52 Alex: yeah i can move it now
21:15:01 Dan: man, doesnt sounds like any fun
21:15:17 Alex: was harsh as ****
21:15:23 Alex: almost cried tbh
21:15:58 Dan: not suprised mate, sounds savage
21:16:19 Alex: i was literally writhing around in agony pressing the emergency buzzer thing n stuff
21:16:33 Alex: till about 4 surgoens came and they cut the plaster off
21:16:49 Dan: mother****
21:16:54 Alex: yup
21:16:58 Dan: so
21:16:59 Dan: like
21:17:15 Dan: is it fixed or? what they sayin?
21:17:36 Alex: wont know till its off in 3 weeks
21:17:51 Alex: they reckon they got it moving tho when i was under
21:17:56 Dan: so they did try and fix it then?
21:18:04 Dan: yeah?
21:18:09 Dan: so it might be fixed?
21:18:31 Alex: not holding my breath tbh
21:18:36 Alex: can but prey
21:18:44 Alex: *pray
21:18:45 Dan: fingers crossed for u mate
21:18:51 Alex: cheers :)
21:18:52 Dan: prey on that mutha lol
21:19:03 Dan: well,
21:19:11 Dan: thats cool, i thought they were just lookin at it
21:19:14 Alex: lol
21:19:29 Dan: if u had been thru all that and they didnt do **** all and had to go back for next op that would have sucked loads more
21:19:56 Alex: arm is in plaster from hand to shoulder
21:20:07 Alex: it's sooo uncomfortable
21:20:39 Dan: so r u off work for 3 weeks now?
21:20:50 Alex: at least
21:21:05 Dan: will u get full pay?
21:21:27 Alex: for 2 weeks i will
21:21:40 Alex: after that im pretty screwed
21:21:43 Dan: then what do u get ?
21:21:59 Alex: half i think
21:22:21 Dan: that's a bit turd
21:25:42 Dan: mate, hopefully they may have fixed it, that would be cooool
21:25:53 Dan: BUT
21:26:05 Dan: i might have to call u 1 arm bandit for a coupla weeks :P
21:26:14 Alex: yeah man would be so happy
21:26:18 Alex: lol
21:26:33 Alex: fine i'll call u bum bandit
21:27:00 Dan: well fingers crossed for u mate
21:27:03 Dan: hows the family?
21:27:19 Alex: *** :)
21:27:40 Dan: sweet
21:28:23 Alex: gonna have to go lay down mate, pain killers runnin out and i think i might puke
21:28:38 Dan: cool
21:28:43 Dan: inabit mate
21:28:57 Dan: hope u feel better soon
21:29:13 Alex: ty m8
21:29:15 Alex: bbfn
21:28:23 Alex: gonna have to go lay down mate, pain killers runnin out and i think i might puke
21:28:38 Dan: cool
haha, good response from a mate there. hope you're recovering better than before, fingers crossed for a good recovery. :)
Latest update

Thought I'd posted this a week ago, but I guess it didn't work.....

Can't ******* believe this tbh, it's worse again :(

They have taken my cast off and I now have much less movement than before.

When they took it off I completely freaked, I couldn't move it at all and I just broke down crying, it's all been too much!

I had so much I wanted to ask them, like what the **** they discovered and why on earth they haven't put things right. They said they had taken samples of the inflamed material in my arm and I should have asked the results as it's been 3 weeks, but I was in such a state I couldn't even think properly.

They have signed me off work for at least another month and I have to have physio every other day to see if I can get my arm moving again :(

They must think I don't ******** need to pay my rent or something!

They told me I'd be back at work within a week, as in I should have gone back this Wednesday just gone.

Don't know what I'm gonna do tbh, I'm gonna have to try and get an office job, or something much less physical cause I can't lift anything properly. I can't see myself being able to go back to my current job tbh. I can't bend my elbow more than 90 degrees, and still can't get it near straight. Still in agony every day.

I ******* hate this :mad:

18 months I've been suffering and still no end in sight.

Doesn't look like I will EVER get back into the fire brigade.

Sorry for the rant. Just feeling down and needed to vent.


/edit wish you could edit thread titles on this forum. Not much good news in here.
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Whilst this all completely sucks why did you do kick boxing when it could affect your livelihood?

Hope you get it sorted though mate.
i know someone who had a semi-similar situation with her shoulder and I would say given the surgeons attitude towards you originally and the length of time his error has caused you to be off work (over a year I would assume?) I would seriously consider legal action (she did) for lost wages, any effect on your pension, and possibly for losing your livelihood.

It will only come out of the surgeons insurance but it will mean that you haven't lost out because of his mistake. (you can only get what you actually lost, not punitive damages)
What came of the complaint to the abusive surgeon after the 1st op?

I didn't end up complaining in the end, I figured it was his word against mine and couldn't be bothered with the hassle of pursuing it only to be shot down.

I just really hope this guy can sort me out.
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