My new Dell 2405FPW - pictures & first impressions

mcdermotx said:
You could try and use the VLC player with QT h.264 1080p files..
Much better performance than with the standard QT player..
Playback is nice and smooth.......but I find the 1080p files still suck due to the artefacting and 'haloing' in the image.......720p is a little better..
QT H.264 still needs a bit of work......WMVHD 1080p of the Batman Begins trailer was very impressive in comparison

try coreavc. makes 1080i h264 just about playable on a 2500+ aXP :D

miles better than ffdshows decoder
i have just got mine,very impressed with it but you need to spend some time on setting up the display i.e brightness and gamma because at the start it seems not very good.i must thank Baddass and other posters for his hard work ,i am converted to the tft cause
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