Hey NathWraith, I just completed Far Cry 3 last night - I have some more side-missions to do but the main story is done. I really enjoyed that game actually after an initially slow start and the graphics looked incredible on ultra. I also have Assassins Creed 3 and Hitman Absolution on the go but neither of those have really caught my imagination so far. I bought Skyrim when I was gaming on my old rig but found it really hard to get into also. I'm sure it's a great game judging from all the positive feedback but it just hasn't really 'hit' me. I haven't done any crafting and don't really understand it to be honest. Maybe I should give it another go? The last game I really enjoyed apart from FC3 was Dishonored - loved it.
I'm really looking forward to Bioshock Infinite and might give Tomb Raider a go. Any suggestions would be most welcome!!