My Photos.. critique and feedback very welcome!

22 Sep 2009
Hi guys, I'm very new to photography and would like to learn as much as possible. I will post my photos here and I would appreciate if you guys could give some feedback, tips or critique.. I have a Canon EOS 500D with a 50mm F/1.8 and a Tamron 90mm F/2.8

wellesley road by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

rusty by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

the wall by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

taking the bus by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

yolk by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

pencil by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

power web by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr

walko mono by jacquesdewinnaar, on Flickr
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I like the spoon dude, but the aperture is too wide on the first two. It'd be nice to have enough DOF to be able to read the sign, and there's nothing really for your eyes to focus on in the second.

Thanks Alex, I'm still learning about which aperture to use.. Dont know if it's just with the older body's, but the viewfinder doesn't give the best reaction to aperture adjustments. I suppose it will get easier once I learn the lens and know the focus distance each aperture value provides.
The viewfinder doesn't give any indication of dof because the aperture blades don't 'activate' until a photo is actually taken. However, there is a dof preview button on the camera body near the underside of the lens which when held down, activates the blades allowing you to preview the dof.

Haha, I never even knew that.. thanks for the info!
I don't really get the subject in the first 4 and the composition is weak to me.

The telegraph pole has the most potential but the over-top HDR has ruined the photo and the artifacts and halos are ghastly IMO. In general the processing hasn't helped any of these photos, all are over sharpened really.

My advice would be to take a step back and forget the processing for the time being and concentrate on the basic of composition, framing, selecting interesting subject matter at times with good lighting. When the out of camera jpegs are brilliant then you have a stronger canvas to work on during PP and the time sat in front of a monitor can be reduced.

But that is just my opinion, take or leave it for what it is. I realize it is harsh, i haven't softened my response and wrapped it in cotton wool for you, just spouted out my dislike. But I do believe it is a constructive critique.

Thanks for the feedback, I dont mind the harsh tone, it's still constructive ;)

I do realize I need a lot more practice with composition and framing and taking 1000's photographs is likely the best way of getting better at it. I do welcome any tips that will help in my path to learning ;)
Thanks guys, I got "The Photographer's Eye" and will be spending some time taking it all in..

My friend allowed me to take a portrait of him and this is what I came up with..

Here's one with my son attempting to be creative..

As well as an attempt by me..

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Typical 'My First DSLR' shots, we've all been there. Sorry :p

I don't know why you bother to post if you have nothing useful or constructive to add..

* Oh, you edited your comment, why?

You are good at this, already have composition and processing way ahead of someone who only been shooting for 6 months.

Thank you Raymond, I can definitely see progress when comparing my latest photos to the ones when I first started.
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Or maybe he has a point that you should consider rather than dismissing it because it's not positive.

I didn't dismiss it, did I? Like you, he had nothing useful or constructive to add and I questioned him about it..

Why did you take the trouble to post? Just to echo him? That's very nice of you, but I think he had it covered without your heroic contribution.
Ps your thread title does say critique and feedback very welcome

Indeed it does, which means I am looking for critique about my photos.

If you know what critique means, than you know that neither of you actually offered any. That is the problem!

Back on topic, thank you for the constructive input in your last comment, that is something I can take on board..

I edited it because I realised it would prompt a response like the above ;)

Seems quite natural that it did the very exact thing then.. ;)
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Hi again everyone.

Seeing as it's been more than 4 years since my last post in this thread I thought it best if I posted something light hearted on my first re-entry.

Danbo seems like the perfect denominator..

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The 4th and last I really like.

I'm very glad you like them Drollic.

There's a massive jump in the "professionalism" of the photos. It doesn't look like you're gunning for extreme bokeh just because DSLR etc, you're using it to great effect. The 4th one in particular is really really nice - looks like you've turned RTX on :p

Thanks for the kind words MrRockliffe.
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