My poor old M3!!!!

R124/LA420 said:
FWIW, I've never quite understood why truck & Bus drivers insist on brimming their fuel tanks, its a pointless exercise that threatens the lives of Bikers and M3 drivers it would appear!

Nor I :(
People often forget about big tyres aquaplaining more easily, and always wonder why I am so cautious in the wet.

Spoke to my mate some more and he is really cut up, it did go off the road after hitting the curb and hs done damage to the underside as well.

The rear nearside ACS II wheel is smashed and jamed up under the arch at a funny angle.

He has been punishing himself and really has been torturing himself about what he could have done differently.
Matt82 said:
how does he know there was diesel on the road?

did anyone else fall off the road too?

There doesn't have to be more than 1 victim for diesel to be the cause.

I've had huge wobbles on my bike owing to diesel on the road. It's a well known fact that round corners diesel spills out especially owing to a lot of buses/coaches overfilling their tanks.
The pic in my sig is a result of a 'diesel spill'....... :o

Seriously though sorry to hear about your old car Steve, joking aside diesel can be a real danger. There is a roundabout near a local trading estate near me that is renowned for it, it's lethal in the wet.
Steve said:
Apparantly he went round a roundabout and hit some diesel that had been pushed up buy the bit of rain we have just had down here.

No, he went around the roundabout in his new toy, booted it, lost the back, was unable to catch it and is too proud to admit he screwed up so he's picked the time-honoured boringly predictable 'OMG BLACK ICE/DIESEL/BANANA SKIN' excuse.

Before I get flamed for this nobody but him knows what actually happened but on the balance of probabilities, I bet I've got a higher chance of being correct :p
robbiemc said:
Another time I was following a bus, and as we went around a bend I could see the diesel coming out of the tank on to the road...That was definitely a brown-trouser moment hoping I that I would miss it all.
As a pedestrian I've seen a bus come around a bend toward me with diesel pouring out of the filler cap onto the road.
Slam62 said:
So basically, the guy hits a slightly damp bit of road, nothing special, totally loses control of his car.

Now if you lot saw this and it wasnt 'a mate' i think you might be a little bit concerned, personally i dont think he should be allowed to drive that car on the public highway, he could quite easily have killed some inocent people.

He either cannot control himself or the car, probably both, by the way driving instructors etc are not the best drivers in the world, they just couldnt get any other job.
How many barristers give up their jobs to become driving instructors, police get trained in driving fast because they would cause chaos if they didnt, but in my opinion, police chases are unneccessary and dangerous to the public...

First of all get a grip! If people had your view the world would be a boring place as nobody would drive fast cars or bikes because in your view everyone is clearly not capable of doing so and are a risk to other road users and pedestrians. Bad luck can happen to anybody and people make mistakes, but lots of people drive even quicker cars who don't have the same level of driving skill as the person in this incident.

Driving instructors may not be the best drivers, but even the best drivers make mistakes. Police are trained to drive so they can get to emergency situations in the quickest possible time safely. Also police chases are very necessary or crime rates would shoot up if criminals knew they could go rob anywhere they wished and get in a getaway car not worrying about getting caught and car crime would sky rocket. The roads would become a dangerous place to drive on if they were populated with even more car thiefs, joy riders, theifs, people without tax/insurance all this would increase if Police were not able to engage in car chases and catch criminals.
eidolon said:
That's bad luck. In 13 years of driving I've never once come across diesel on the road, maybe I've just been lucky?

I'm always hearing about it on the MR2/Elise/other RWD forums though

I have to say the same but I have done a 360 and sat the car into a hedge because of black ice on a corner (then drove away :D). Theres absolutely no way to control that, not in a fwd anyway.

I used to know a kid who got free diesel because his dad was a trucker, they stored it in tanks out the back of his house maybe thats why they stack it to the brim because its free to them.

How hard can it be to design a fuel cap that doesnt leak though, arent they air tight / pressurised ?
Had a "trained" copper try to broadside me yesterday. Traffic lights, green to me, hedge means you can't see if anythng's coming until you're into the junction. Copper jumps the lights with just his blue lights on. Has to slam his breaks on as I'm already into the junction (as did I as soon as I saw him), and THEN he sticks his siren on :rolleyes: Trained drivers still make mistakes.

But as said above, we weren't there.
Steve said:
it did go off the road after hitting the curb and hs done damage to the underside as well.

The rear nearside ACS II wheel is smashed and jamed up under the arch at a funny angle.
The amount of damage suggests to me that the greatest factor at play here was speed. Diesel being the trigger maybe. Certainly the excuse.

Whoever's heard of spilt diesel on a UK roundabout before :rolleyes:

Flame away.
So sorry to hear this . I can say I have knon this guy for over 10 years and i know this guy and he is an exeptional driver . I can say hand on heart that if it was not diesel on the road and was due to his own stupidity then this guy would have told steve it was due to him not being able to handle the car .

Just glad to hear he is ok .

How is your new car steve ?
Celestial Caravan said:
Whoever's heard of spilt diesel on a UK roundabout before :rolleyes:

You're kidding right? I've seen a lot of spilt diesel round bends and on roundabouts.

I'm not saying that i've ever had a crash owing to it - though I have had a few wobbles on my bike. I think the excuse is perfectly valid, though I could agree that maybe he was going a little too fast. However it's surprising how much damage you can do if you're unlucky and hit an obstacle at just the wrong angle.
DreXeL said:
The pic in my sig is a result of a 'diesel spill'....... :o
diesel spill in quotation marks or an actual diesel spill? ;)
Fulcrum said:
I have to say the same but I have done a 360 and sat the car into a hedge because of black ice on a corner (then drove away :D). Theres absolutely no way to control that, not in a fwd anyway.
not at all, but you can learn to recognise the weather conditions that cause black ice and read the road to see where it's likely to occur, then drive accordingly.
i wrote a car off once due to black ice.put my foot down hard in a straight line and just lost all control over the vehicle.for a long time i blamed it on black ice until i was taught to recognise the warning signs and prevent myself from getting into an un-recoverable situation like that again.
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