My reaction time is rubbish (cognitive tests)

Did that reaction time test on my phone on WiFi and got 240ms
On 4g on phone or was 330ms
On desktop PC it was 330ms
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I did the reaction test on desktop with a 144Hz monitor, not bad for mid 30s. It's going to vary quite a lot depending on your equipment though, it would probably be up to 20ms slower on an average display.

Mine was bad which is weird as I've previously measured alright for reaction times. Not sure if phone, website or the fact that my body has decided to practice bahamut's signature move for the last month.
That was interesting. I scored 119 on the verbal memory, (95.0 percentile) and 8 on the number memory (17.5 percentile). I would have expected it to be more the other way around.

My bottom score was aim trainer at 847ms (2.3 percentile). There goes my dream of competitive gaming. Reaction speed was an average of 207ms though, which isn't at all bad for my age and was probably slowed by my equipment. 75Hz monitor, very poor quality ADSL connection. Also, the lighting in my room is suboptimal and the alignment of the planets is suboptimal and sundry other excuses :)

I got 10 points on the chimp test, so I reckon I managed to reach chimp level intellect.

Verbal 119
Sequence 13
Reaction 207
Chimp 10
Typing 37
Visual 10
Number 8
Aim 847
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I did the aim test and the reaction test today at work. Here are the results from my first try at each on my work computer with a basic 60hz monitor and crappy mouse.

Reaction - 200
Aim - 637

However in my second go, I got the following.

Reaction - 198
Aim - 443

I think the Aim test is flawed. The difference between the first and second Aim test for me, was that the targets kept appearing in bunches near to each other in the second test. While on the first test they were all over the place. Which meant that I got a much higher score in the second test as it was far easier. There is a lot more luck involved than any of the other tests.
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