Give me ten minutes with a Dremel and I will change how you look at your computer forever - ALXAndy, Oct 2014.
OK. So I thought about making a back plate for my R9 290. It's an ugly sod at the best of times. Then I asked B-negs to paint it for me but he was too busy it seems.
So what can I do? well, I got two SSDs to mount and nowhere to put them. Let's doing something about it huh?
So OK, mark. This won't make any sense whatsoever, but keep reading. Now look back at the first pic, you'll notice I drew a line. Well..
OK, so I've clamped it into my workbench across that line. Closer..
OK. So now that it's clamped in across the line we take a heat gun and start heating. Now this is like spray painting, only you do it closer. Spray painting is anything up to 12". Here I am using 3-4" as my guide.
This gets hot. Very hot. Don't go any closer you will bubble the acrylic and wreck it. Now this takes a while, but don't force it as you will end up with camel bumps from it being uneven. What I do is gently press it until it falls of its own will.
And eventually....
OK. Whatever you do DO NOT
****ing touch it. That is a serious warning, it is seriously hot. Just keep gently pressing it evenly down, then take a look at the bend and make sure its even.
Right, now we need it out but it's still a bit hot. Take a cloth and wet it with cold water. Then...
Which cools it quicker. Eventually.
Right. Lots of measuring very carefully and cutting later and we have...
Then we mark up where the psu box ends, draw a line, cut and refit.
And bugger me ! we have a duct !
Now let's have some more fun with it. This red thing came with the case. I threw every single one of them away but one, here's why.
Because they carry the correct hole markings for SSDs. Oh yeah, talking of which.
PCIE power wires.