Right, well X8 is now finished.
Three OSes installed all running lovely. So, ever onwards and upwards. If you thought X8 was tacky then God help you !
Better don your sunglasses, kid.
Here is what I have on order.
X2 in orange
And of course..
And yellow.. Check...
And these for the 480
Now I had a few ideas, and my media PC is now no longer needed thanks to a few set top boxes from pretty much every big supplier of movies. So, I was toying with the idea of using the AMD Kabini but then I got a small windfall from my lovely lady and went with this.
Which of course makes sense. I didn't realise it did this before I bought it, bonus !
Some ram. Didn't exactly want 2133 mad bugger ram but hey it's orange.
Cooler, so overclocking is most definitely in.
I'm using my Corsair 250D. Oh yeah, power supply.
Now I know 1250w is just stupid but I got it so cheap I could not say no (£69). A good 650w with enough PCIE power connectors was £65 so I'd have been crazy to pass it up. I doubt it will find a place in this rig, but no doubt I will swap it out with one from one of my other rigs and use something else.
Either a RM750 or EVGA G1000.
Total overkill but then I've always been careful with my power supplies.