my sister = dip **** stupid. £600 spent, come look what she got...

11 Mar 2004
off the shelf system by phillips costing £600!!! :(:
next to each item i have put the value of the item if bought and built by me.

Intel P4 3.06Ghz northwood £130
512mb unbranded DDR ram £20
radeon 9250 128mb. £35
160 gig maxtor IDE drive £45
GigaByte 8I865GVME £30
phillips DVDRW £40
temp controlled fans £20
generic TFT 17" £115

she paid £600

actual worth (and this is an over estimate) £435. (EDIT: i should have noted that that includes the OS)

believe it or not, she bought it because this was on a one day sale, it was £799 originally. now im utterly ****** off with her because its a pile of crap and i just dont have the heart to say you stupid idiots, youve been ripped off you daft buggers. (that allowed?)

why in the name of god didnt she come to me ? i mean jesus, ive been doing this for ten years, you think she would have some bloody faith. idiotic woman and even more idiotic husband. ultimatly its the kids that suffer as i tried running quake on it for them today, lag fest on lowest settings at 800X600.
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Been there... got the t-shirt.

best bet is to never ever look at it for them... they will ask you to make "doom3" work for the kids and from then on they will moan and whine about it "not being right since you came round"

NEVER EVER EVER fix pc's for family and friends.... you will regret it.
AtreuS said:
Been there... got the t-shirt.

best bet is to never ever look at it for them... they will ask you to make "doom3" work for the kids and from then on they will moan and whine about it "not being right since you came round"

NEVER EVER EVER fix pc's for family and friends.... you will regret it.
LMAO that is just to true :D went round to fix my grandparents pc, put some software on and such, got it working perfectly, went away and a few weeks later after they had messed it up "Oh its your fault bla bla" replaced the pc and still blamed me for its going wrong after i put it back to the way i found it :o
AtreuS said:
Been there... got the t-shirt.

best bet is to never ever look at it for them... they will ask you to make "doom3" work for the kids and from then on they will moan and whine about it "not being right since you came round"

NEVER EVER EVER fix pc's for family and friends.... you will regret it.

Very! true, been in the same boat, it just becomes really stupid...

Aswell as selling PCs to firnds.. if it breaks they come to you...

Thats why if i was to sell a PC it will be in parts :p
i just dont understand HOW the hell she could possibly think i couldnt beat that price for that pos ffs. :( crappy agp, old tech intel, then to top it off she goes with AOL!!!!!!!!!!!

"angels and ministers of grace preserve us" :(
locutus12 said:
off the shelf system by phillips costing £600!!! :(:
next to each item i have put the value of the item if bought and built by me.

Intel P4 3.06Ghz northwood £130
512mb unbranded DDR ram £20
radeon 9250 128mb. £35
160 gig maxtor IDE drive £45
GigaByte 8I865GVME £30
phillips DVDRW £40
temp controlled fans £20
generic TFT 17" £115

she paid £600

actual worth (and this is an over estimate) £435.

believe it or not, she bought it because this was on a one day sale, it was £799 originally. now im utterly ****** off with her because its a pile of crap and i just dont have the heart to say you stupid idiots, youve been ripped off you dumb ********.

why in the name of god didnt she come to me ? i mean jesus, ive been doing this for ten years, you think she would have some bloody faith. idiotic woman and even more idiotic husband. ultimatly its the kids that suffer as i tried running quake on it for them today, lag fest on lowest settings at 800X600.

I think you would also have to add cost of case, PSU, OS and any other relevant software. Warranty and tec support might also be a consideration.

Don't get me wrong, I would never dream of buying an off the shelf PC, but when it comes to family, and IMHO, the safest and hassle free bet for you is for them to buy offshelf/online and stick with a major player...

I think your sister did all right for herself m8 and in a funny way did you a favour...But I know it cuts deep when you've been rolling your own...=)

It's her choice to make, however bad, question is though ...are you so mad because she got ripped off or because she didn't come to you first :p

Incidentally, I tend to spec Dell products, as they are pretty well priced and well built for family members these days, I used to insist on building pc's for them all but I just can't be bothered with the aggro anymore, I just don't have time or the inclination to listen to a load of ignorant (and I don't mean that offensively just in it's literal sense) gits moaning at me because they don't know how to use their machines properly.
Personally don't mind family buying off the peg PC's. As people have said there is the support/warrantly issue to consider... HOWEVER I do get peed off if family and friends just buy without my advice.

I still remember the time an internet friend asked me for advice, after the laptop she bought was wholey unsuitable for gaming. Guess what, she LOVES what she ended up with. Amazing what just asking what a good off the peg PC/Laptop is can make all the difference.
lol, I made a thread about this a while ago when I told my friend to come to me, but he goes to a competitor and buys an utterly **** pc for over a grand.

Two rule breaks in one post? You should know better.

Moeks said:
It's her choice to make, however bad, question is though ...are you so mad because she got ripped off or because she didn't come to you first :p

im peed off because it was the one thing ive been trying to do for the kids for the last 3 years to make up for all the missed birthdays :(
AtreuS said:
NEVER EVER EVER fix pc's for family and friends.... you will regret it.
I second that!

A m8 was complaining that their laptop was running slow and suspected the many icons on the status bar, programs not used, etc. So offered to 'clean' it up - imporved performance (somewhat). But, after that, the m8 complains that it does not perform exactly like MY MACHINE! Try to explain needs more RAM & she refuses to believe me :mad:


Only success story is my dad, who seems to be tech-savvy these days - even suprises me with what he ends up buying (for a reasonable price).
NEVER EVER EVER fix pc's for family and friends.... you will regret it.

How true is that :D

Sometimes dont you find though you cant help but get involved cuz it will just enter the convo casually and you are quietly think hmmm wonder whats happened and before you know it its 1am at their place and they are cant thank you enough.

Until the morn when you get call starting with " I didnt do anything "


Sometimes I am my own worst enemy :D lol
Yep i have had the same thing myself. My sister went and bought an off the shelf PC a couple of years ago didnt even ask my advice, paid loads for it and it was complete rubbish. At the time i was even working as an IT engineer so it wasnt like i was just someone who plays around with PC's at home in their spare time. She said she wanted to have a warrenty. When i explained to her that her 1 year warrenty with a certain PC supplier (who i used to work for) wasnt worth the paper it was printed on and if i had built it for her most of the parts would have had a 3 year warrenty she didnt say too much more.

The problem is she is going to do the same thing again now. I offered her a more or less brand new PC. Oldest part in there was the +3000 chip which is about 4 weeks old completely installed, tested and ready to go, whole kit was worth about £500 and said she could have for £200 and still she says she isnt interested. Just cant help some people but it does hurt when you try and do someone a favor and they just turn around and throw it in your face.

The other thing that annoys me is them friends and family that only call you when they have a problem. Actually got a call from a friend i havent spoken to in about 4 years because she wanted help with her internet, I dont think she will make that mistake again though (checky ***** :) ).
Aaahh great thread, it proves again how that competitor are crap :D . If I recall correctly few months ago a user on these forums did the same rant that his friend bought a PC from the same store for £1200, it was something like:

P4 3.0Ghz
and the rest was generic IIRC

If she has just bought it, sit her down, explain in a nice way that its a rubbish PC for the money (dont tell her shes stupid! lol) take it back to the shop, im sure if its just new they will refund her, then get her a proper pc for less money ?
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