my sister = dip **** stupid. £600 spent, come look what she got...

Combat squirrel said:
If she has just bought it, sit her down, explain in a nice way that its a rubbish PC for the money (dont tell her shes stupid! lol) take it back to the shop, im sure if its just new they will refund her, then get her a proper pc for less money ?

This is worth trying.
Relating to everyones stories here.I`m a self learned pc tech and now i`ve gone pro all my friends want a piece of me for free.One of my mates bought a terrible emachine and had nothing but trouble with it.He went wireless broadband but couldnt connect properly so i had a look at it and concluded the router was faulty.Anyway,i got blame for it not working!.A month later they`d spent money on another wireless card,in and out of a competitor and were going to buy another router (instead of exchanging it!) when the techs changed the router and guess worked! :D.
Another mate bought a dimension 3000(eek) and instantly regretted it.It was so slow he had to buy another processor and mobo which i fitted(when he could have got a decent machine made up for that price).
Its frustrating when you see people buying guff,but i`d rather they bought a premade machine so if anything goes wrong they can call them instead of me.My mate has pc world gold service but still calls me first..

Read the rules in the FAQ.

Holy crap this thread is so true, I had come back from work and my Mum was using her laptop...she was experiencing network problems, which I resolved by just re-setting the router.

A day later my Mum was unable to access the net, and she started to have a go at me that I had changed the settings on the computer and messed it up... because my Mum is the sort of person who like to click on stuff first and think about the consequence later, she disabled the connection in the computer.

She wouldn't let me touch her computer to resolve soon as I would get close I was literally shouted at lol... such an easy much hassle.... anyway it seems that my Dad managed to get it working after I told him what to do on the my Mum thinks that I (a IT Consultant) does know how to use computers...and that my Dad should teach me what to do! :eek:

My Dad takes all the credit..and my Mum doesn't believe me that I told him what to do :)

That's the last time I help the family out in computer related issues!!!! :eek:
i jujst find it weird how comfortable i feel at my own PC, and i feel comfortable doing risky stuff( or things that i know MIGHT not work btu i try in order to solve a problem)

but sit me infront of any of my friends OPCs or my anannas and be requested to 'fix it' and it just feels alien. and then yers SO true... next week later ''its never mbeen right since you done somethign to it''
i used to get the blame all the time back in the days when i had to share a PC with the rest of my family.

ive been careful wit the last few specs ive done for mates cos theyre all expecting me to build a PC that will perform the same or better than mine. for buttons !
so i make sure i tell them '500 is a lot of money for anything but NOT a PC... so dont expect anything anywhere near wehat yuo read about !! ''

Combat squirrel said:
If she has just bought it, sit her down, explain in a nice way that its a rubbish PC for the money (dont tell her shes stupid! lol) take it back to the shop, im sure if its just new they will refund her, then get her a proper pc for less money ?

ive already told them both v nicely that they paid way too much for a heap o junk. they really dont want to hear it.
Very true.

I was on the phone with a friend, helping him reformat windows on a system I built for him because he had managed to corrupt some files with something he downloaded. Whats worse was that it was the night I got back from my Duke of Edinburgh Silver expedition. It's almost like an expectation for me to help them.

I was actually blamed this morning for making the electric bill double because of my server. Considering my server would struggle to consume more than 170W, I don't see how I could've been the cause.

Mul said:
I was actually blamed this morning for making the electric bill double because of my server. Considering my server would struggle to consume more than 170W, I don't see how I could've been the cause.


based on 200 watts being used and an expensive Kwph rate of 8 pence your server would use £139.78p per year.
AtreuS said:
Been there... got the t-shirt.

best bet is to never ever look at it for them... they will ask you to make "doom3" work for the kids and from then on they will moan and whine about it "not being right since you came round"

NEVER EVER EVER fix pc's for family and friends.... you will regret it.

Been there and done that aswell :rolleyes:
The worst is when your mother starts offering your "expertise" to others free of charge. She surprised me with that one a few times. Some of the computers I had to work with were complete nightmares, old 486's and the like.
I dont understand why people are slating certain 'techniques' or pricing used by companies who sell these PC's. Its the same as companies like DFS 'bank holiday discounts' etc in a way.

As far as the PC's are concerned, yes, you can, more often than not, build a similar spec unit for less (the gap is narrowing now) but the point is, that the people who buy the pre built PC's probably don't want the hassle of building one or want to feel bad about disturbing a family member/friend if something goes wrong. They just want the convenience of buying something boxed up, ready to take home and plug n play.

I also notice the OP left off several items from that rough price list. Eg. PSU, operating system and other software and a case to mention a few.

Sorry if that seems like a rant, it just annoys me when people complain about the cost of things in stores compared to DIY or things on the internet and completely forget that they are not comparing like for like.
locutus12 said:
based on 200 watts being used and an expensive Kwph rate of 8 pence your server would use £139.78p per year.

indeed, which doesn't explain my bill increasing by £70 in the space of a month.

edit: six6six has a point.

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Six6siX said:
I dont understand why people are slating certain 'techniques' or pricing used by companies who sell these PC's. Its the same as companies like DFS 'bank holiday discounts' etc in a way.

As far as the PC's are concerned, yes, you can, more often than not, build a similar spec unit for less (the gap is narrowing now) but the point is, that the people who buy the pre built PC's probably don't want the hassle of building one or want to feel bad about disturbing a family member/friend if something goes wrong. They just want the convenience of buying something boxed up, ready to take home and plug n play.

I also notice the OP left off several items from that rough price list. Eg. PSU, operating system and other software and a case to mention a few.

Sorry if that seems like a rant, it just annoys me when people complain about the cost of things in stores compared to DIY or things on the internet and completely forget that they are not comparing like for like.

Pentium D 805 - £95
Super Lanboy - £40
430w Seasonic S12 - £41
Windows Home - £55
X800GTO 128mb - £50
Asus P5VD1-X - £40
DVD-ROM - £10
120gb HD - £30
2x256mb ram - £25
KB/Mouse - £10
17inch "generic" TFT - £110

Total = £506

Dual core, dual channel corsair ram, seasonic PSU, nice case, X800GTO for £100 less

She was still ripped off whatever way you look at it.
you will never stop people buying from the big PC manufacturers because like has been said its just easier that way.

But look at it this way, if it gets more people into computing then its got to be good right? My first PC was a pre-built from a certain large company. But as I got more into using it, surfing the internet, playing games etc; I soon started to realise I wanted more performance out of the PC, so read up on how to install components and which ones to choose, and went on from there.

And here I am now, Ive built countless systems from scratch, modded them, enjoyed using them, sold them, and, oh yeah - destroyed them :p
Raikiri said:
Pentium D 805 - £95
Super Lanboy - £40
430w Seasonic S12 - £41
Windows Home - £55
X800GTO 128mb - £50
Asus P5VD1-X - £40
DVD-ROM - £10
120gb HD - £30
2x256mb ram - £25
KB/Mouse - £10
17inch "generic" TFT - £110

Total = £506

Dual core, dual channel corsair ram, seasonic PSU, nice case, X800GTO for £100 less

She was still ripped off whatever way you look at it.

You forgot to add shipping :p still nice spec for £sub £600.
Raymond Lin said:
You forgot to add shipping :p still nice spec for £sub £600.

off the shelf, means literally off the shelf in this case. there was no shipping and its a god damn terrible spec. my pc cost £100 more and its a damn fine machine.
gr1mey said:
you will never stop people buying from the big PC manufacturers because like has been said its just easier that way.

But look at it this way, if it gets more people into computing then its got to be good right? My first PC was a pre-built from a certain large company. But as I got more into using it, surfing the internet, playing games etc; I soon started to realise I wanted more performance out of the PC, so read up on how to install components and which ones to choose, and went on from there.

And here I am now, Ive built countless systems from scratch, modded them, enjoyed using them, sold them, and, oh yeah - destroyed them :p

This man speaks sense.

I have yet to build my own PC, I am currently using a very old pre-built system. Next week however I shall be ordering the parts and building my very first PC.
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