My site has been hacked

Do you think it was a hardware failure? I think that maybe the whole thing got hacked. Its been more like 5 days too since their site went down.
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metalmackey said:
Do you think it was a hardware failure? I think that maybe the whole thing got hacked.

Could have been both. Either way, with proper backups worst case senario is use a spare server set it up and restore files.
if it was me, I'd jump ship ... find yourself another host ... the signs are bad ... and if they come back, it might be with even worse news, and then you will have lost time.
At a guess one domain on the server had an outdated / unsecure script on it as that team was pretty busy.

At least your site is famous and got to Zone-H

There is a list of domains on the same IP as your site that got defaced:,com_attacks/Itemid,43/filter_ip,

Edit: And its not just one defacer team that hit that IP, looks like its been hit a few times by different people!
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