My son spotted this. (starwars related)

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
My son is convinced the "millenium falcon" is in the latest starwars film, revenge of the sith. He showed me and it really looks like it is (or one very similar) the part in the film where chancellor is being delivered back from being kidnapped, theres a big panoramic scene as the shuttle lands on that big curved dome thingy. the millenium falcon, or a copy thereof, appears from the bottom of the screen and comes in to land. It only lasts a few seconds and its quite small, but it does look like it.
Well the millenium falcon was an old ship in the Harrison Ford movies like return of the jedi, so wouldn't that make sense ?

Edit: And probably mass made. :p
As Star Wars is set ~18 years after Revenge, going by Luke's age, it could well be the Falcon methinks.

Mind you, as Mellownats said, it was probably mass produced, a sort of interplanetary Merc Sprinter ;)
Probably just another YT1300 Corellian transport, with the aim of making people go "oooh!"

It's also in Star Trek: First Contact during a battle with the borg.
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Not neccessarily the MF was a modified version of a Corellian Engineering Corp
YT 1300 freighter ( mass produced) / nerd
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