My TX4 London Black Taxi Project

11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
If you saw in the Show Us Your Motors / What you bought threads, I won this 2010 TX4 London Taxi from a copart auction last week. Runs and drives, MOT until May. Dent in the rear boot lid but seems OK from my sight unseen purchase :P
300k miles, so just about run in, too.

Here she is for your enjoyment.
To be fair, I won this on copart twice. First time it was up I won it for 550 exc. copart fees but the seller wanted 1500 ex. fees. He relisted it and I won it again, this time for 675 (just under 1k with fees) and he must have just thought sod it and let me have it for that.

Now the fun begins...

Obviously nothing is simple this year. I'm here in Blotzheim, a little village just over the border from Basel. The Taxi is in Sandy, Beds.

I'd love to see if I can get it in the wasted food coma days between Christmas and New Year but everything is all a bit ****.
I understand people can't travel in Tier 4, which is where this bloody thing is... but I have no idea if trains are working and if borders are physically open... I've emailed copart and asked what advice they can give but think they'll be trying to run as normal ("essential business" no doubt) but will see.

Mate of mine was like "you're mental for considering a drive like that in a sight unseen 300k mile taxi" but I'm sure I've done more stupid trips previously tbh!

Will be doing some project vids on the taxi on our youtube channel (, plans are hopefully a simple mini camper style with bench / fold down bench into bed setup in the back. Keep things simple but try and make it functional for some camping!

But first to try and get it back to my house...!
Yea, so they closed roads but are looking to reopen them. I don't think it'd be an issue getting to the car on the Eurostar tbh and trains, it's just the trip back.

The possibility of a negative covid test being required to get back into France was raised on the news today
Yea, I saw this too. I'm not concerned about that, as long as I can go pay for one and get quick results I'm not bothered about having one. Done 3 of them so far, will knock out another couple if I need to. I would be happy to take one on the way out as well to make sure I could present them.

The could be checking on trains if you try to by long distance tickets.
It's in Sandy, so 48min on the train from St Panc international. I don't think that'd be an issue. There is a form you can get for entering and if it's for a business reason or {insert long exception list} reason you can get in.

Not looking great from copart though...

So that's nice of them lol
The debate appears to be over whether the lateral flow test (15 min) is adequate or if the full PCR test will be required.
I honestly have my doubts on the tests anyway. We've had 2 completely different friends here who got covid and had negative tests. Went and got another next day and it was positive.

The old that'll be your problem answer. The journey should make good video for your channel!
Yea, should be interesting!
Oh you innocent, innocent man. What have we done to you :p
hahahaha I can't believe people haven't heard of Fake Taxi?! Same as that lovely black sofa...

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to get this at some point after Christmas and see how that adventure goes in these strange times. Ideally need it before 31st Dec too with Brexit and all importing ****... we will see how it all goes anyway!
This was supposed to be delivered to a mates house before Christmas but copart didn't do it. His house is literally 5 min drive down the road from their sandy base, which is handy as we arranged for him to collect it but it says it's not possible to drive cars away, you have to at least tow. I asked how much for delivery and it was 60quid so thought that would do. Now been on the phone to them again and it's "out for delivery" which is nice but no one has called my mate to tell him. I can't make any plans to collect it until he's got it and given it a once over, as apparently "run and drive" as a category is a loose term. Doesn't mean it turns, stops or runs without hideous noise so best he checks it over and then I can arrange the great taxi collection.
It's at my mates house. I ordered a booster pack and trickle charger for it so he can keep it topped up. He said it's sagging a bit to one side (I heard a lot that these need new shocks due to load etc) but seems OK on loose inspection. Oh, aside from the headlights not working.

So, the plan, this is the worst time in the world to do anything, but my mate is getting ear from his Mrs for there being a taxi on his drive so I need to get it off and back here. I'm taking the most direct train from basel via paris to St Pancras tomorrow at 8am. I should arrive at the car by 4pm. I have insured the car, it has MOT until May. I'm waiting on the V5 to arrive here at home so I can Tax it though, which is a pain as it's still not here.

I have filled in my form to enter the UK, I have had a COVID test this morning too and will have my results by the time I set off.

I don't want to interact with anyone really lol so the plan is straight there on the train and then jump in the car and start to make my way to Enfield where I have a click and collect booked at their Tesco at 9pm. I am bringing a sleeping bag, basic tool set, my work electronics (incase I get stuck!), cable ties and duct tape :D I'm going to sleep in the taxi Friday night and then head directly to the tunnel Sat morning and head right back.

Lots of variables here for things to go horribly but you know :P Let's see how this goes...
He's got the headlights working so there is that...which is great. Means I can try and get what I can done and get back over here hopefully all still on friday.

Bad news? The drivers window won't wind up :p I've got my little tool set packed, so I'm sure I'll be able to sort something out anyway, but worst case, plastic and duct tape (oh and I've packed a hat!)

I'm going to try and document it all on camera as well, hopefully in a good way lol which will go up on our youtube machine!
Just to point out, that technically your going to be breaching UK rules so well worth thinking about your excuses in advance
I do agree with you 100% and I wouldn't go if it wasn't at a mate's place and causing him wife issues! My worry is that we'll have further restrictions coming into play in the next couple of weeks and it'll be stuck for months. It'll definitely put a lot of issues on to my friend, which I don't want. Technically this is bought under my business for advertising, so when you look at the exceptions, it says you can travel for businesses if it's necessary... it doesn't classify what that is. It's very loose as always but I have gone through all documentation from both sides. I took the covid test, even though it's not a must have, but I wanted to avoid any issues if possible and make sure. I am going to be as prepared as physically possible though! I really don't want to interact with anyone. I have a ton of masks ready, I have a huge lot of alcohol gel and I will get in and back out without contact. I'm even going to make sure I use pay at pump stops for fuel. When I return I'm going to self isolate for 5 days in my office at home and then go for another covid test after that to make sure I'm clear. It's not about me but everyone else, so I will be as physically safe as I can be. I'm not usually this thorough about things, but I believe it should be taken seriously so you know.

"Better post about my illegal journey on a public forum with pictures of the car i'll be driving with the numberplate on show. May as well film it for good measure!" :rolleyes:
Haven't you got a shed to go and polish? It's definitely a grey area and ill advised but not illegal.
Seems you're the new king of the sheds with your sight unseen moon miles broken taxi. :p
Can't argue that one tbh :P

Are you sure its not illegal?
I have spent hours searching through information from both the French and UK sides about it, and I couldn't find anything to state it is illegal. Just as @HoneyBadger put it, "being a tit" might be a better description. Not advised. Against logic. Defying recommendations. Stupid, even.
OP is on his way by now but this is a pretty selfish act all things considered. It would be bad enough to pick up a known car but the likelihood of that thing packing up and needing outside assistance of some sort on that length of journey is pretty high.
I've done more in terms of safety precautions than both required and that most would do. I have a mechanic mate who took a look at the running side of things and all looked fine. About as much chance of issues as most cars in motors! I have all my paperwork, i've had everything checked on the way out, I have a vast selection of masks and alcohol gel, which I have been using constantly and replacing mask routinely. There is no lockdown in France, so it's been quieter but not quiet.

I'm not seeing anyone; even my mate is moving the taxi to a lay-by out of his village and I'll meet him there, then leave. I have cleaning stuff with me for the inside of the taxi. I'm not seeing my parents, anyone I know, nothing. Just getting it and heading off. At the end of the day, it needed moving and I am doing so with every legal paper I needed and being extremely anal about safety and precautions.
I'm home. Got home at 17:15 yesterday, slept like a log in my office after hosing myself down. I'm now in here until later this week and I've had another test.

She made it. 920km it did in total.

The trip? Going out was a breeze. Basel - Paris was a nice train, super fast and about 7 people in my whole carriage but no one near me. All good. Paris to London on the Eurostar was OK, train was a bit meh but no one seated near me and about 9-10 in whole carriage. Entering London and immigration I was asked for my passport and passenger locator document (I had it all digitally), they scanned the barcode on it and I had to stand to one side as I hadn't put an address I was staying at on the form. I explained I wasn't actually staying at an address and showed my letter on what I was doing (car collection). They were really friendly and simply said the only reason they had to stop me was due to the computer flagging it. I said I 100% understand and would have put one if there was, as I was trying to do it all as I should. Carried on on my way.
Train from London to Sandy wasn't busy, but at Stevenage a teenager (guess, 15?) got on with a bike, no mask. The train has a repeated announcement telling people masks are mandatory. I moved to another carriage. In fact, I moved again as a couple of rough as guts looking folk in tracksuits were sitting feet on seats with no masks on. Again, changed direction and moved. I never saw anyone without a mask throughout the French part, so was a bit disappointed in this I have to say.

Got the car, started on my way.

Got to Ashford and kipped there in the taxi. Man it was cold. 4 layers of clothes and a sleeping bag, gloves and a ski hat and I was frozen. Not only that, it's not the most comfortable thing to sleep in, or try. I think I got about 2 hours of actual sleep. I was also surprised that people, including groups of people knocking about at 1:30am! I was parked in a gym car park in a dark corner trying to keep out the way but considering it's a "lockdown" I saw a lot of people out. Same with the roads. They were pretty busy on both parts. Not much on the French side, but French people don't use the toll roads anyway as they refuse to pay for them, but I did, and there is no lockdown in France so you know.

Channel tunnel crossing back was fine. Leaving I had the UK side check passport and asked me if I had the right French forms, I said I did and moved on to the French controls. They asked where I was going, I said home, provided my proof of address, passport and negative covid result test and they laughed at me taking an English taxi to France and off I went.

Other things to note; In France now at the service stations you scan your own stuff so it's all contactless with anyone else. Pay at pump and if you buy 19 red bull you have to scan them yourself and then use contactless. I thought this was good. I used a lot of alcohol gel. Became a bit anal about using it after each step, and making sure my phone, the gear knob, handbrake and steering wheel were done regularly too.

The taxi is a funny one to drive. The steering is weird because of the small turning circle of 3.6m you have to drive it a bit differently round normal corners too. It maxes out at about 80mph, although I only hit that when I was about 20km from home. I plodded along about 65 for most of the journey to try and limit any stress on it. The gears are soooo short. We take the **** out of taxis for always changing into 4th / 5th but they really have no choice! That's the gearing in those things.
It has a very small tank of 40l which I thought would be bigger since you'd want it to be on the road as much as possible. It did about 30-35mpg on the journey.

Fixed the indicators at the back, the window is working fine now too and it even has electric mirrors and remote central locking which all work nicely. I say that, it's a 2010 car, it should have bloody car play in for that year ha but it honestly feels like a 90s car on the inside.

Oh and as I was parked up in Tesco car park a woman knocked on my window trying to get a ride... she was foreign and when I tried to explain to her I wasn't a taxi, she couldn't work out what I meant but wandered off shaking her head :D

I drove through the thickest fog, blizzards and had ice built up on my wing mirrors and all across the front, but she's home and I kinda created a bit of a bond with her along the journey.

Happy to answer questions, take your **** or anything that comes this way.

Haha thanks guys! Part 2 is coming tomorrow night. I try and do Mon - Thurs!
Really enjoyed the video, nice one.

^ ditto, upload part 2!

Really enjoyed the video. We are worryingly similar!
You must be a legend! :P

I'm still isolating in my home office, hopefully tomorrow I can go get tested and get out of here. I took the taxi out today to drop my daughter off at weds kids club (no school weds!) but as I'm isolating my wife and daughter were sealed in the back of the taxi :D It was so icy on the roads though, I had it properly sideways on a roundabout! I may have to see if I can get it to drift with it being RWD! haha

- thought you were taking some Nando's back with you not scoffing it all ?
Haha I did take it home but had some while I was there as I was starving!! It was lackluster at best and I think a tradition that needs killing!
Haha it wasn't intended that way, was more because his first video had a similar pose (Looking away from camera with mouth open). Although now you mention it, it works perfectly that way too!
PS thread - PS me in the most fake taxi position you can... NSFW :P

@Acme I've used the taxi this week, it's wicked! Had it sideways on the roundabout near me, not on purpose, so hoping it'll drift nicely in the snow. Will take the quad bike out and see which is more fun! :D
(her?) tyres are naturally a good narrow snow profile ?
We will soon see...

That is for Switzerland, I'm actually in France where the more ****** you are the better the driving. Not really, but no such laws on tyres. My S4 and RR Sport have winters on, well the RR has all seasons which are allowed in Switzerland. I won't take the taxi drifting over the border!
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