My Ultima Envy V2

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I have received my "Ultima Extreme Envy V2" bundle on Friday with RAM upgraded to 32GB, and a Blu-Ray writer.

I installed Windows 8 Enterprise (MS Partner), installed all the drivers, and started copying stuff to it that's when I had a the first BSOD.

Now the BSODs happen a few times a day, during normal use, copying files, googling etc. nothing CPU intensive. System is not overclocked. I did not change any BIOS settings.

I have installed all Windows Updates, all drivers updates, did't do BIOS as it came with the latest (F2) version.

I ran Microsoft Memory Diagnostic Tools, Standard and then Extended, 2 passes each, all came back with no errors.

Windows is installed on SSD.

I ran Crystal Disk and Samsung Magician on SSD - says GOOD 100%.
I ran Seatools on the Barracuda and did S.M.A.R.T, Short and Long Generic Tests - no errors.

Here is the link to the WhoCrashed report:

The other thing to mention is the fact that I seem to have a very consistent errors in the error log, basically the same errors every BSOD, please see attached screenshot (I filtered the log by Critical, Error and Warning only)

Any ideas?

I have finally sorted this out. Basically I've double checked the BIOS version and turned out the F2 isn't the latest version. The F5 is. So I flashed it with that and I haven't had a BSOD since (4 days)!
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I've not long had my Ultima Envy V2, which I had with the massive but very good looking NZXT Switch 810 Ultra black case & Corsair H80i CPU water cooler.
It's a beast of a system, although it was too big to fit under my computer desk! That's no bad thing, as it now sits next to the monitor where I can see all it's green insides spinning around. I can hear the fans, but find it more of an ambient noise than a problem.
Currently playing Ultra settings on Bioshock Infinite, Dayz and Minecraft with full SEUS shaders installed. Not a stutter.
No issues with the system, and very happy with it.
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