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My Zotac 4090 has malfunctioned ? I think it has

8 Nov 2006
I see it's been posted on reddit, and one of the comments points to the correct line of enquiry to take:

Someone posts the Which article and then doesn't even read it properly, claiming the law is on the OPs side. It is quite amazing how many people are ignorant of actual consumer laws.

Six months or more​

If a defect develops after the first six months, the burden is on you to prove that the product was faulty at the time the goods were delivered to you.

In practice, this may require some form of expert report, opinion or evidence of similar problems or defects across the product range.

The retailer can also make a deduction from any refund for fair use after the first six months of ownership if an attempt at a repair or replacement is unsuccessful.

You have up to six years to take a claim to the small claims court for faulty goods in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and five years in Scotland.

This doesn't mean that a product has to last six years - just that you have this length of time in which to make a claim if a retailer refuses to repair or replace a faulty product.
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6 Aug 2009
I think the point is not what the fine print actually says or consumer law, it's that it should be clearly stated up front what a 5 year warranty means. If it's such a good marketing point why hide it? Just state year one you're due this, year two something less etc. No-one is under any illusion then, and we all know manufacturers and retailers know full well the headline 5 years will sell goods and the majority won't delve into the fine print or contract law before buying.

They don't spell it out as they know their selling point's power will evaporate. It may be legal but should be made transparent to even the most unwary of buyers.
26 Jan 2010

got it resolved, obviously i made it a big deal, I mean would you be happy paying over 400 quid just to get the same product back? so the service team and an email to the big boss of the company helped me get this resolved, they kindly waived the warranty claim charge and sent me a MSO 4090 Suprim X as a replacement

Didnt want to spend £200 if I wanted the strix model so I opted for what was available in the same price bracket

Card works perfect with zero errors

16 Aug 2017
That’s ridiculous. Well we now know to avoid Zotac in future. I’ve gone with them in the past due to the warranty…that clearly means nothing. I’d approach some tech outlets regarding this, Reddit etc. Only fair to warn others.
You say it means nothing and that is silly to say, because other GPU after 3 years breaking down gives you no refund at all, whereas in case of 5 years warranty you get at least something and not nothing. Nowhere it says you will get exactly the same thing or money paid for it (always read warranty terms!). But something does beat nothing, especially if you get 2 years extra for free. Then again, few times I had issues similar to this and I got product exchanged to something that wasn't less performance even if technically cheaper by that time.
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26 Jul 2006

got it resolved, obviously i made it a big deal, I mean would you be happy paying over 400 quid just to get the same product back? so the service team and an email to the big boss of the company helped me get this resolved, they kindly waived the warranty claim charge and sent me a MSO 4090 Suprim X as a replacement

Didnt want to spend £200 if I wanted the strix model so I opted for what was available in the same price bracket

Card works perfect with zero errors

Happy days, I'm glad you got it resolved and can web browse in clarity at high definition again. :D
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