MYBTours Inc : The Bent Pyramid (Loads and loadsa piccies to hannoy 56K users)

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If this post doesn't go into the GD Archive it'll be a crime - certainly one of the best I've seen on here or any forum :)


Absolutely fantsastic post Beaky :)

One thing that did scare me, was the tiny tunnels. I would be absolutely petrified (me being a chlostrophobic :))

Nice one MYB s'ah :D
AFAIK the generally accepted explanation (and it's been accepted for more than thirty years) is that the change in slope coincided with the collapse of another pyramid being build at a similar steep angle at the same time. Since the earliest step pyramids the builders had been trying steeper and steeper angles until the inevitable happened. The builders realised that the pyramid at Dashur would also collapse if contruction continued at the high angle, so a lower angle was chosen for the rest - actually lower than that at which entire pyramids would later be build (I believe Khufu is at 46 degrees).

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