Name my Unborn child ocukers

I beg to differ, I quite like having a slightly different name (Gareth). I've only ever known a handful of Gareths in my life, but millions of Davids, Toms, Chris's etc etc.

I suggest Gareth :D

<<<<<< Now you you another one (me)

Anyway back OT

I like Connor, Dylan for boys

Roxy, Chloe for girls

Lots of suggestions there to give you ideas on what to avoid.

Rough guide:

Consider your family name. e.g. Annie might be OK, but not if your surname is Mall.

Consider that your child will go to school with other children, many of whom will be eager for some reason to take the mickey. So no spelling their name wrong for the sake of it, no names that can be made into puerile insults and no silly "unique" names for babbling idiots who think that their child won't be unique unless they have a name no-one else has. Like Moonbeam Farseer.
Well its doing my head in :( me and missus been trying for ages to think of a name for him or her but only one i like (Oscar) she doesnt what better than you lot naming him or her.My surname is butler pls stick some names down what would be a good match with surname thanks.

Domovoi Butler

You'll know what I'm on about if you've read Artemis Fowl - the best series of books ever ;)
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