Nates VEGAN POWER training log.

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I will admit I didn't read your post properly, I am le retard. Skillmister has a good point though, adapt and overcome.
Squats - 60kg 5x5
Bench - 40kg 5x5
Rows - 50kg 5x5

Eaaaaaaasy :p Bring on the next session.

Start with 60-70 not 30. Advise is if you consider yourself above beginner level then you should drop to 60ish % of what your able to with for 5 reps. Seeing as you can do 100kg for 10 then 60-70 for 5 would be more then comfortable and use the early sessions to work on your form...

2x1.25kg plates :confused::rolleyes:

What are your 1 rep maxes. even bad squats at 140 x10 should equate to something close to 160.

70x5 on bench would be 85ish

do you deadlift?

Damn I didn't have time to read this before I went out and I missed that bit, only had time to give it a quick read last night. I ended up squatting 60kg anyways for 5x5 and it was easy but I went ATG. I don't know about 1 rep maxes, I'm guessing 110 if we are talking ATG. One thing I noticed squatting ATG is easy with weight on, I was practicing it at home with just a bar and it was horrible. The weight really keeps your heels down.

Yeah I do deadlift once a week, 110KG 8-10 reps.



put it on your head.

What do you mean put it on my head? Like neck exercises?

I will admit I didn't read your post properly, I am le retard. Skillmister has a good point though, adapt and overcome.

Well I thought start light to get laughed at first. So squatting was okay because my legs are so sore from Fridays squats and I went lower than usual.
Bench press I put 10KG on the bar and I was laughing at myself never mind other people laughing at me. So I put 20KG on the bar for a total of 40kg and that still felt like nothing but least I can have a bit of recovery time ready for the intense sessions to come.

I told my friend about this routine and he's interested in it too so started it with me. His face when I said we aren't doing biceps...
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Yeah low bar like in the starting strength book. I put it a bit higher for ATG (Ass to Grass).

Also found some sexy little 1.5kg weights in the gym in a dark dark corner nobody goes.
The guy who made this Stronglifts routine actually looks pretty skinny, what's up with that?

Whoa also when he squats his legs buckle out like crazy, and the weight looks too heavy for him. I feel like I'm following a bad routine now?? :( His third rep is terrible looks like the bar is gonna slide off. My friends 180kg squat was 10x smoother than that.
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Just as an FYI

140kgx10 reps works out to a predicted rep max of 187kg...

now 100kgx10 (assuming that you didnt do 140 and you really did 100, your replies were contradictory) works out to 133kg.

Are you saying that your 100kgx10 whatever they were squats last week were not below parallel???

Also ATG and low bar squat means your doing it wrong. Your lower back will be moving all over the place the lower you get. Depth isnt king in low bar back squats.

Get a video the next time you squat and post in the form thread, before you get in to all kinds of bad habbits and think your bossing it out like a king, when actually for being a donkey schlong
Yeah low bar like in the starting strength book. I put it a bit higher for ATG (Ass to Grass).

Also found some sexy little 1.5kg weights in the gym in a dark dark corner nobody goes.
The guy who made this Stronglifts routine actually looks pretty skinny, what's up with that?

Whoa also when he squats his legs buckle out like crazy, and the weight looks too heavy for him. I feel like I'm following a bad routine now?? :( His third rep is terrible looks like the bar is gonna slide off. My friends 180kg squat was 10x smoother than that.
Mhedi is a bit of a ball bag but the routine is sound.
I don't wanna be a donkey schlong :(:( I want a donkeys schlong though, on myself... er nvm. I'm not bossing anything out though. I already said the 140kg was sloppy and above parallel. There is no way my max rep is 187kg if my friends is 180kg. He is way stronger than me. I did do 140kg what I'm saying is 110kg ATG because it's so much harder going ATG when you're over 6 foot it's a long way down and up. Maybe I can do more I don't know.

If my lower back moves I drop the weight. Yep depth isn't king in low bar that's why I said I moved the bar higher up in my earlier post. So you're saying I shouldn't go ATG?

I'll ask my friend to bring his camera next session to get a video. I am worried about my form as I don't know where I stand with it.

tom_e - Okay that's good to know, so it doesn't keep your calves skinny?
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do you not have a smart phone with a camera?! and youtube? i dont take a film crew with me when i workout...

to/just below parallel is the idea for low bar back squat, and its harder then a 5" partial of course. if you did do 140 for 10 reps then i would be suprised if your rm wasnt more like 140 for 1 low bar to proper depth.

medhi just marketed the routine, he didnt invent it, and hes not a great lifter in respect of form/weights shifted. knees buckling out, are you sure?? if knees are going to buckle, its inwards, to improve torque generation. Knees out, and keeping them out is the best for producing max torque throughout the lift.

Watch some of LiE, Icecold, DJDom56's vids to see correct squatting form, and you will see knees out.
LOL you should, get BBC in the nation wants to see. Nope we don't have smart phones, we don't use facebook.

Well I'll try 140 for 1RM once I upload a video of my form. Yeah sorry you're right I meant in not out, I used to have the same problem.

I'll check out their logs later today, gotta go out now but I've seen Icecold squat just not properly yet. He was doing cardio squats and said he went higher than usual but his form did look great. Just gave your log a quick skim (I'll have a good look later). Wow congrats you was pretty damn skinny there boy! Now you've packed on some lean muscle, lats, delts, biceps, forearms, quads are pretty big and looks like you got bigger calves than medhi. Your legs look about the same as my friend who does 180 1RM. He did skating too though and BMXing so I think that's why he's got strong legs because he's only been in gym 7 months like me. Though he did do a lot of home body weight lifting before that.

I see your max squat is 150kg so I don't think mine would be 140 your legs make my legs look like chopsticks, seriously you guys are going to **** when you see my spaghetti legs!
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You don't have a smart phone between you? I strangely find this very hard to believe. Sorry for being honest like.

If you don't want to post vids just say, you don't want to ;)
^^ Thanks for the complements, they are always welcome.

My squat rep max is 165, calf size is very much down to genetics. Also i am short only 5' 7.5" with a short leg to long torso ratio that only helps make them look better, when you see LiE's log you will see some skinny ass calf's squatting 215kg :D
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