Hi there
Was not happy with the allignment on my bonnet, looked too pinched in centre and was sitting lower than front bumper, very hard to see, but well I knew it was there. Yet another failing on Ford's QC checks, the car might be great value but build quality on exterior panel allignment is an issue on these cars, though I've seen some far worse where it is so easily noticable. Luckily it is easily fixed by adjusting the bonnet catch and the bonnet stops.
It is now flush with the front-end, an equal gap all across, we even measured everything to ensure absolutely spot on. Easy to do so kind of sucks Ford did not sort it to be frank when they built the car.
Also the chrome horse, is gone, for me it was making the front-end not aggressive enough, so now it has being replaced with a new horse, a black pony and I am very happy with result, front of car looks a lot more meaner and aggressive whilst still remaining completely factory specification.
Also a shot of the rear lights illuminated.
Weather has vastly improved to wet and warm, tyres clearly switched on, no more grease in them and starting to get more of a feel for the car, she handles above expectations to be frank and the LSD works very well and the front end really turns in very well and is very confident inspiring and I am finding feedback really not bad at all, to the point I can feel the road surface in the wheel, which I was not expecting as Dave reported his Shelby is completely lifeless on the steering and its not that I don't know what to look for I own a solid bushed M3 with hydraulic steering and have gone from a 911 (997.1) with hydraulic steering. The Mustang of course is not as good as either of those for steering feel, but it has feel and the weighting is spot on. I've managed to fully get on it second gear a couple of times now and wow does it shift it feels an incredibly strong 415BHP, I'd not be surprised if it has more horsepower than stated.