A cat-back just backboxes and a bit of pipe anyway, not much difference to noise or performance vs just backboxes
Daaaamn this exhaust is loud from cold start
Will have to get a vid
My neighbour popped round to hear the new exhaust, it was way louder than I expected as when I collected it from the garage it must still have been warm.
I also removed the sound symposer fitting the air filter. I'm already starting to miss the sound, it's surprising how much engine noise was actually piped into the car.
Annoyingly the filter didn't get installed, turns out they didn't ship the Venturi insert pre-installed into the intake tube, so when I started the car the rev's were erratic and they kept rising without the accelerator. So I told them to replace the stock filter, but the sound symposer wasn't re-attached, the pipe was just blocked up
I'm in no rush to replace it now.
I've noticed that the after market parts don't seem to fit the UK cars very well, my hood struts needed to be modified and the garage said the filter and exhaust were a real pain to fit. They were no way as easy as any of the vids from American Muscle or CJ Pony Parts have made out, which is leading me to believe there are a lot of subtle differences between the UK and US Mustang.
On the bright side, the car seems to pick up much quicker with the new exhaust
Any plans to change the colour of the Mustang badge Gibbo? Almost invisible on that picture
I saw a convertible in the same colour grey the other day.
I think the coupe is much better looking, the back of the convertible/roof just didn't seem to look right on the road in my opinion.
Gibbo, the radiator horse emblem is too dark, how about the same colour as the paint job ?
Can I just say I saw about 8 of these on the way to work today
Just checked it out and it's an Ecoboost!
And an auto!
I expect its still... Good fun..?
Do you get irritated by the attention or do you welcome it?
I bet it would be with a remap and a nice cold air intake. Might not sound how it looks though!
Gibbo - that is quite a looker. De-chrome it + Black wheels = Hnnnnnng
Must say that does look very good with the spacers/lowering etc. Be interesting to see how bigger wheels look.
Looks quite tight getting out of the driveway, can't believe you're living in a Bungalow at your age though
Also I presume when you mean no reported issues with 5.0s you mean on the internet, considering how many are used in the states by just normal folk who don't post on the internet about them an all?
new Fiesta RS as well, dont forget that.