Need a Gaming Headset - Then look here first

Yeah the DT 770 and 990 are excellent in both stage and positional accuracy. Just wait to you fall in love even more with the bigger sound of full sized phones.

You will be looking for a full sized close back next ;)
Tried a few more of headphones it for gaming so thought I'd add my thoughts here for you guys.


These are actually my closed backed main home phones. Being one of Audio Technicas amazing woodies with a beautiful tone with hauntingly stunning mids and excellent bass..and guess what? Finally a good treble for closed back.

Plugged into my mixamp first thing that hit me was the air, it was pure, clean open. Now i'm not saying these sound completely open because that's daft, biu boy they are close. The bass hits when needed, explosions hit hard and have a perfect decay.

You Know that excellent positional accuracy that the AD700 has? It's here and it's slightly better on the W1000x. The sounds are just pure, balanced and natural. The magic of wood eh?! Soundstage rivals some open backs easily. It's not quite Q701 or AD700 but it's the best I've heard closed.

Denon D7100

More of a rocking out headphone, this Denon Woodie is my portable because it's comfy, great sound, great soundstage and amazing bass.

Hooked up to the mixamp it has some issues with a slightly narrow but wide stage, similar to the D600 but this suffers in s minor way. The low end is very strong. Explosions sound a bit amplified but it has the sense of good detail. Positional accuracy is decent, similar to the most Hifi closed backs by not as good as the W1000x.

Overall pretty decent but their realm is portable or home music listening listening.

I'll leave it at that as I have a written review on both coming up.
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Haha, I was really surprised, most closed these days always have something wrong with the treble. The W1000x extends to the High pockets beautifully without any harshness. I find myself reaching for them the most because of their airy, woodie sound. Sadly these baby's will never leave the house, the wood is beautiful and I'd cry if I dropped it!

Quick update on my D7100, the tunnel effect on the stage has completely gone. Nice and open but not as airy as the W1000x.
It's a £300 headphone, I imagine a lot of £300 headphones are decent tbh.

The average gamer spends like £20-£100 on a headset, so I'm more aiming towards educating them rather than audiophiles who know what they are doing.

I'll add the W1000X into the list but I think the focus should be on the cheaper end to suit most peoples budgets.

Someone in the console section said that expensive headphones are like HDMI cables and a complete fallacy with no difference between them and cheap ones, your just throwing money away for nothing.

Education is the key here and I don't think a £300+ headphone will sell well with these types of people but anything up to £200 will do.

Remember a lot of them have only ever used turtlebeach, logitech, etc, they aren't looking for the "rolls royce" but a good cheap daily runner which outperforms they crap the have used in the past.
If thats the case, Koss PortaPro beats nearly everything up to £50, between £50 and £100 its the CAL!, and £100-£150 its the SRH840s or DT990s.

/thread then :D
Hooked my HD650 up to my Mixamp...King of engagement! The mids allow you to get fully immersed, for once I wasn't being analytical I was enjoying myself. Mids are what makes good immersion IMO with a good balanced bass or even slightly accentuated. The soundstage in dolby is somewhere between the HD598 and Q701. The 598 is a thin headphones that makes them sound more spacious, the HD650 is better with more texture and quality to the sound. Explosions sound epic, accuracy is good! Not as good as my Qs but it's close.

I think if someone has the 650 and wants a gaming headset save your money and use them.
I am actually looking for a mic at the moment, so its good to see just how cheap they are. Was thinking of getting an all-in-one, but as I have the HD 600's, all I need is the mic

All you need is to spend £7 on one? If they are that cheap, im going to order one very soon. Whats the best mic I can go for?
I am actually looking for a mic at the moment, so its good to see just how cheap they are. Was thinking of getting an all-in-one, but as I have the HD 600's, all I need is the mic

All you need is to spend £7 on one? If they are that cheap, im going to order one very soon. Whats the best mic I can go for?

the best mic costs about £30-£40

antlion mod mic

otherwise get a spes clip on mic from ocuk or dx clip on mic from china
Thats the only push I needed. So many good reviews about the Specs clip on mic as well, and for only £6.95, cant really go wrong.

They aren't "that" good but very good for the price, basically there is 2 options

option a - cheap very good mic (dx or spes)
option b - antlion mod mic

anything in between isn't worth considering

personally i use the DX and it cost me something like £1.58
How do the Pana HTF600 compare to the KSC-75s? I own a couple pairs of the Koss and they are wonderful.

Also tried HD201 (hate them, no bass) and JVC HA RX700 (hate them, no bass :p).

As you can see I buy mainly cheap phones :p
HTF600's are very comfortable, they are good but I would place the KSC75 as the better headphones for gaming and the HTF better for music.

if your looking at gaming then a second hand set of HD595 or AD700 is the best you can get and they aren't that much more.

you would be going from a 6-7/10 to a 9.5/10 for the extra £30 you need to spend to get a second hand pair of 595's.
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