Need a mmorpg game to play

7 Jul 2003
I used to play SWG and then WOW have lost interest in them both, I have a trial of Eve to start, but can anyone recommend any other online games that are fun and have a community?
If you want a PVP option eve is really the only choice. :D It just takes a while to get stuck into, try and make wealthy freinds sit back and learn the skills, whilst you autopilot your way to sleep for 3 months.

Dark Age of Camelot, has ok PVP and had a good community but its starting to die out, not much new blood coming into the game.

Everquest 2 Its getting pretty huge now and im not sure how the community is in Europe, i played it on yank servers and it was a laugh, no decent PVP tho.

City of Hero/Villians - Good euro community, quite a fun game with PVP but you really have to build for PVP u cant effectivley do PVE and PVP on 1 guy.

Planetside? Not really an MMO but an MMOFPS, kinda fun if you havent played it before.

THats all i have played recently so goodluck.
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Jimbu said:
Cabal online which is quite new and currently open beta so free. Near the end of the month it will become p2p.

That actually looks pretty good, shame i can't make anything out from the screenshots all korean or whatever language that is, and lol at eerybody in same armour in one of the pics.

I want a new game to play aswell atm, everything i have seems to have a lack of fun to it :(

I cannot stress this enough.

In fact I feel bad even mentioning it and informing you of its existence incase you do actually try it.

It's awful, steer very clear. In fact I'm steering clear of all MMORPG's until SWGemu works or SWG2.
HAHA yeah i'm so glad i only paid the £2 to play the beta before release of RF online, my friend actaully ordered it and its still sealed like when delievered because its that bad.
You would make love to it if it works I imagine, I can tell how much you liked SWG back in the day.
R34P3R said:
You would make love to it if it works I imagine, I can tell how much you liked SWG back in the day.

Don't even get me started. I'll hit it all night and day if it works.

Hmmm MMO's played wow, ffxi, eve (too pricey for me :P) nothing compares to SWG I want something that i find fun. Starting to annoy me now lol.
R34P3R said:
nothing compares to SWG

This is the most sense I can ever hear anyone speak.


I'd actually pay the best part of half a grand to be able to play this game again.

Anyway it's not available at the moment, so in response to the OP on this, I'd hold out and wait for an MMO you REALLY want to play. I've played a few since my passionate affair with SWG and they've all ended in tears and a lot of wasted time.

I find it annoying how every MMO seems to be simply rubbish that I'm scared to actually try any more in fear of going off the genre completely and maybe missing a great game in the future.
Zefan said:
This is the most sense I can ever hear anyone speak.


Thanks Zefan. Erm you@ msn Zefan would love to chat to you about this SWGEmu seem as your thread was deleted.

Zefan said:
they've all ended in tears and a lot of wasted time.

And amen to that, all MMO's are a waste of time really, my advice would be don't play it unless you really really want to because if your not that interested that when your done with it you will wish you hadn't bothered.
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I am currently enjoying Everquest 2 on the Nagafen PvP server. Much fun to be had :)

SWG was good, but is now dead. SWGEmu will probably never work and I wouldn't play it anyway.
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you're all forgetting guild wars, great for pvp and pve straight out of the box, no subs, great community, what more can you ask?

£9.99 in game at the moment, you get years of mmorpg pleasure for the same price as an eve/wow monthly sub ;)
Try the free Trial of Saga of Ryzom.

I'm back playing Everquest for now, new expansion coming out soon so I'll be checking that out.
whilst you think about it you may as well start your trial of eve because by the time youve finished you wont want to play any other inferior games... ever!

you just have to give it a chance. When i first started it i couldnt see what everyone was raving about but as soon as you start to understand how it works it becomes sooooo good.

Saga of Ryzom was pretty good with the player crafting, seemed to attract a lot of intrest from pre-NGE SWG players because of that.

DAoC has the most interesting PvP for me with Realm vs Realm combat but as said previously it's seems to be dying out due to lack of interest.

SWG seems to be filled with Jedi "newbs" and elders complaining about the NGE all the time now. At least it appeared that way when I was trying out the game when the free trial launched. I paid to get off the station trial area and now I feel dirty. :(

EVE Online is very addictive and had a mature community from what I could tell with the month or so I played it. I think it was a bit too addictive though and that's why I stopped playing it, I'm more of a casual gamer these days.

World of Warcraft PvP might become more interesting when their Battlegrounds become linked with other servers so that the queues aren't as long for a game.
why not take a step backwards in time and try and find a cheap copy of Ultima Online?

Its dirt cheap, for a game of its age its still a cracking game although it looks dated but that doesnt matter.

I would still say it has one of the best communities ever although it may take you some time to find one of the free servers that you like the rules for!
chimaera said:
you're all forgetting guild wars, great for pvp and pve straight out of the box, no subs, great community, what more can you ask?

£9.99 in game at the moment, you get years of mmorpg pleasure for the same price as an eve/wow monthly sub ;)

Well the main reason nobody has mentioned Guild Wars is because it isn't an MMORPG.
It has it's place but not in a list of MMORPG's :)
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