Need a mmorpg game to play

And because its boring as hell. Ive installed it twice, played for a couple of months each time but it never grabbed me.

On a side note: Anyone any info on the SWGemu?

Ive found the forums but cant find a decent website explaining it all.
I really don't see how the SWG emulator could be legal. It's using a whole heap of intellectual property, if it ever went live the official game would die completely as all the players left for the emulated one. The emulation folks could never cope with the bandwidth and server requirements of thousands of people connecting without charging for it, and if they did that Sony would really, really smack their asses into next week. And as with all unnoficial servers, it wouldn't be long before the temptation to abuse the power they hold got too much, and you started seeing them and their mates appearing as unkillable jedi, or deleting someone's character because they look at them funny, or giving themselves billions of credits and wrecking the economy as a result.

Don't get me wrong, I'd give almost as much as Zefan to see the pre-cu server up and running. I just don't see Sony ever letting it happen :(

Edit - try Saga of Ryzom. Completely different game, but with a load of ex SWG players and a similar skill / foraging / crafting system. Fantastic community too.
stoofa said:
Well the main reason nobody has mentioned Guild Wars is because it isn't an MMORPG.
It has it's place but not in a list of MMORPG's :)

Dunno if i agree totally with that, i assume its because its entirely instanced.

its massively multiplayer because everyone plays in the same world, unlike WoW you can skip between EU, US and JAP servers. plus you've got the pvp so anytime you want to jump straight into a battle you can, not waiting 45 minutes like WoW.

its online.

its a role playing game as you level up and buy new armour and items.

maybe if there was a game type called a massively single player and multiplayer online role playing game, but otherwise i'd say its closer to the mmorpg market than any other.
WOW at all the replies, I have guildwars, been playing COH recently which is a great game, I indeed too loved SWG and find it hard to get into any games as I felt it was so good and took up so much of my time, when a classic server appears I will be their in a flash, no questions asked.
Don't try Cabal, its utter rubbish. Typical korean RF Online-like crap.

After playing WOW everything else just seems substandard. Played almost nonstop since beta, quit a couple of months ago. There wont be another game like WOW for ages, dammit.
I would jus tlike to add to this thread, SWG Pre NGE ( and pre cu aswell) is the best MMORPG out there. Sorry but it just is! The content was huge, the universe was huge, the gameplay was dead on and the proffessions were right. I have been in a state of manic depression since that game got effectively nuked, and i will probably cry with joy should SWGEmu come about and actually work.

when is the new star trek mmorpg or what ever it is coming out?

If its based on an early SWG type of game and the amount of space from EVE it should be very very interesting :D
MNuTz said:
when is the new star trek mmorpg or what ever it is coming out?

If its based on an early SWG type of game and the amount of space from EVE it should be very very interesting :D

Some time in 2007 apparently, there isn't any sort of mention of a beta yet so this seems on track.
Thought i'd aid in some reminiscing here with some of my old screenies from the good old pre-cu days :p .


Yes i was more worried about kicking the screen as i print screened rather than the mofo shooting me in the back.


Me and Zefan on our boaty ship thing that was a vet reward and was really pants, but massive.


Me pwning sum stuff

I was TKM/MCommando/some medic btw.
Well I've got to join in on that.


When I first killed an AT-ST, I was so proud of that.


When I finally achieved glowy status. That was one of the top moments in my time with SWG.


On my way to the force sensitive skill training village, I met a ROYALLY massive pack of rancors, I loved these sorts of bugs.


Finally, me and Chris1712 chilling in my house (That seat was actually dedicated to him, with a holocron each :p I spent so much time decorating that place.

Perfect game.
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I'll probably post more stupidly sized random screenies later when I'm drunk. :p
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As predicted, I am drunk and I'm posting more pictures.

Well only one picture, but it will mean A LOT to those who know what this place was like before the infamous combat upgrade and nerfing of classes.


The famous Coronet Starport entrance, where traders from across the galaxy would come with macro's galore to spread word of their bargain droids, pets, buffs and resources.

There were so many people here previously that it was given the name Corolag. It would take literlly about 30 seconds for the lag from loading players and NPC's to stop, and after that you would still only be getting around 15fps due to the amount of models and chat boxes being drawn.


after the upgrade.

I can only hope to see Coronet repopulated when SWGemu reaches realease.


My memories of SWG

(yes the 2nd was something i made up for the TKA forums ehehehe NERF)

THats twi'lard slim, coolest twi'lek this side of Courascent and me on the right:O

stacked rifle noob for the win.
I like the first screenie where it says "you swing at a large rebel base for 2548 points of damage"

Dont ask why, i just had an image of him flailing a rubber chicken at a concrete wall in an attempt to destroy it :D
The last time I logged in to Coronet after the upgrade I genuinely thought I'd been disconnected, and that was why none of the player characters were loading. Then I saw a single other player looking around with a bewildered expression and I realised it was just deserted. Sigh :(
Wow, had no idea that it had got so bad. Luckily I stopped playing before all the big changes.
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