Need a mmorpg game to play

Looks as if it was a lot of fun. I can see why people are so annoyed with the way $OE treated their customers with this "upgrade". That's one reason why I don't play the game as even though I enjoyed the trial station if the company can do that to pre-NGE players then it would only be a matter of time before it happened to me.

Lets hope that someone can at least sort out this mess. :)
A few from me:

Look at the SPAM!

The Fat Pink Dancer

More people in this picture then I sore last week when I logged in for 3 hours
Goberpiles316 said:
Look at the SPAM!
The last time I saw spam like that was the day the CU went live. I was part of that protest, actually, and was warped to 0, 0 on Endor and frozen there for 12 hours by a CSR. I quit the game long before that timer expired, believe me. :p

I came back briefly to see the NGE and quit again within a week.
I must admit I have just made a post on the Chimeara board, as the city I made years ago has just been deleted, I have posted a few pictures and thanks and it brought a tear to my eye.
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