Need asus maximus advice for a newbie

26 Nov 2018
I'm building my first PC unaided, and have no experience with liquid cooling at all. I've ordered all the bits I think I need. I've opted for a corsair h115i pro kit for the CPU and have a Asus rog maximus x formula motherboard on the way. Can anybody give some advice / recommendations on the whole vrm cooling channel thing. Is it important, what's the best way to set it up and are there other things to consider with cooling?
Sorry, what I meant is I realise the h115i is for the CPU. I wondered if I ought to set up another system for the VRM channel, whether it's necessary / worth doing. And if so was looking for recommendations. Cheers
I think I'm starting to get my head around it, what's your opinion on cooling the GPU? It's a nvidea geforce rtx 2080 I'm guessing my options are either;
1- Just liquid cool the CPU and let fans do the rest
2- Set up a 2nd, custom loop that cools both the GPU and VRM.
Is that right? And is it a good idea? I'm not too worried about cost if it's worth doing (the I have no clue what a custom loop would cost). Thanks for all the help, just want to get it right
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