Need help and advice on mechanical Issue on bandit

4 Nov 2009
Port Glasgow
Well I've been having problems with my bandit ever since I got the restriction kit installed. It's a long story and I'll try to include as much detail as possible and keep it short.

I bought the the bike mid may. It seemed immaculate for its year and it was a good price. Only had 13000 miles on it so I was a little weary at first but after a good look over everything and starting it from cold everything seemed great no noticable noises or anything. The bike was unrestricted when I bought it and I went on to ride it home (After getting insurance ofcourse) and it went like a dream.

Over the next few days I was contemplating not getting a restriction fitted but after some advice from you guys and my dad I just got it done. I got it fitted in a garage which my dad used for his car before but they had someone whocame in at night and worked on bikes + He was only going to charge me
£70. He showed me one of the washers which seemed clean and well made but he couldn't find the others so he made some up (which I never seen).

The second I pulled away from the garage there was a massive difference. I stalled twice coming out and another few times at traffic lights. The bike was just dyeing on me when I tried to pull away up to 20mph. Then there was no difference what I could feel from riding it unrestricted after that speed. The bike was warm and it was a dry day so I seen no reason for it doing this. To combat this problem I had to use the clutch and give it a lot more throttle. Pulling away like a bike should and filtering was just a no no. Hell even my shadow could get of the line easier and take less effort.

So I took it back to the guy and said all of this to him and he said Well your going to notice a difference going from 100bhp to 33bhp and then went on to say the fuel is properly hitting of the washer and coming back then going through due to the low force at slower speeds and that what was causing the problem and basically I would just have to live with it. I just agreed with him and left as I don't know a lot about bikes myself. :-/

Another problem was after the kit was put in the bike was harder to start and sometimes required more choke than usual. This started to get worse as time when on and if sometimes I didn't put the choke on and tried to start it would tick over for a few seconds then die and I would have to spend the best part of 5 mins trying to start it with the choke on then of then on :(. Then around a month later the bike just refused to start at all and I got really sick of it as It was making me late for things and having to arrange other transport. So I took the restrict out and I was shocked. Three of the washers looked like they were made by a kid with a hacksaw :-o and even had though sticker residue on parts of them. I was furious!

The bike then ran like a dream for the next 20 miles or so then there was a problem which is really hard to explain but I'll try my best :(
when you twisted the throttle the bike seemed to choke and got no power at all for a few seconds then kick in then back to no power doing it constantly. I could still get up to speed but it was very hard to maintain a constant speed and accelerate. So I took of the tank again and a friend said it might be an air bubble in the fuel line so we filled the line up with then reconnected the tank, making sure no hoses were kinked. It ran fine again for around 60 miles then as soon as I left the petrol station with a full tank of fuel it started doing it again??

Taking the tank of again (after pumping all the bloody fuel out) and removing the fuel tap off from the tank and giving everything a good clean out then putting it all back together realsing it all looked fine it ran for maybe 30-40 miles over to my dads and leaving the bike for a day in some light showers it done it was doing it again.The bike would start fine even with the choke off but I always put it halfway until it was heated up.

The next day I gave the bike a full service with new spark plugs, castrol full synthetic oil, K&N air filter and K&N oil filter. Still ran the same but started and ticked over perfectly. I then decided to go to a garage and get the problem resolved by someone who knows what they are doing. I booked the bike in a week in advance, limped it down and behold... Starting running ok again just as I got there (around 30 miles). They said they will have a look at it anyway. After a few days I phoned and they haven't even looked at it but I thought it was ok they must just be busy. A week later from they day I booked it for they said they started it up and it did sound a little rough at first and then took it out and after a mile or so it was fine and they thought it was actually one of best bandits they ever tested and that it didn't even need a carb balance. I then said that it happens right away or at around 20miles +. They replied with ''Well we would have to do loads of tests on it and we don't want to rack up a large bill unnecessarily' At this point my head was about to pop but I just said that I'll just come pick it up and hopefully it will be fine from now on.

When I got there they basically said the same thing but then found out they didn't even take the bloody tank off to have a look :-/ Then they charged me £35 wtf? For what? to put 1l of fuel in and go for a little ride! I didn't say any of this to them just gritted my teeth and payed it. But yet again as soon as I leave the place its still the same :(

I've decided I ain't going to waste any more money on bloody garages and buy what ever tools I need, a manual and learn how to do it myself.

I don't really know what is causing the bike to act like this tho? Has anyone ever have a similar problem with a carbed bike and resolved it? I have a few Ideas on what it could be but I'm not sure...

1. Rubbish washers which didn't even have the holes in the right place (Ones I seen on eBay had holes nearer to the top rather than the middle like mines) and this has caused gunk to build up in the carbs.

2. Fuel filter: I can replace this with a hose as the rez and On have a gauze anyway.

3. The guy who put the kit in may have knocked something when he had the carbs out and needs taken part and inspected. I would want to do this myself so what tools would I need?

4. A rare problem I have seen with bandits and that fuel doesn't flow properly from the outlet because of a problem with the cap where the key goes in doesn't let air in causing a vaccume? Holding the petrol in the tank? Will maybe test this one out tomorrow.

Is there anything other than this what could be causing it? :( If their is what tools would I need to do the job properly?

The bike is a 2002 Suzuki Bandit 600s

Sorry for the long thread just trying to give as much information as possible =P Any other information you need ask and I'll add it.

Thanks for looking!
Sounds like you probably need to strip the carbs down and clean out the float chambers and all the jets and various drillings. Also check all the vacuum hoses for splits etc.

I'm intrigued to know which 600 Bandit has 100bhp though ;)
@ stiv

Join the banditforum (<<google) and they can help you as these guys know Bandits. Might take a couple of days for them to reply to your joining form.

What model/year Bandit is it?

I have to use at least half choke on a warm day to get the bike going and on cooler days it is full choke which chucks the revs up to 3k.
Just don't join the bumbanditforum as that's a totally difference, and eye watering, experience.
Sounds like you probably need to strip the carbs down and clean out the float chambers and all the jets and various drillings. Also check all the vacuum hoses for splits etc.

I'm intrigued to know which 600 Bandit has 100bhp though ;)

This tbh ^^

Given that there was sticker residue on the home made restrictor plates, i wouldn't be at all surprised to find that it's ingested some of it & a pilot jet/ airway etc has gotten blocked, or the poorly made & installed plates have thrown the fueling right out the window when mr bodgit & scarper fitted them.

Either way, invest in a manual, strip & clean the carbs thoroughly & set the fueling/air as per the manual to give your self a known value to work from.

FYI the 600 only made 70+bhp, so restricted down to 33bhp is still more than enough to get off the line, have reasonable fun, & get into trouble with the plod. :p
Thanks for the replys guys :)

I'll look into stripping the carbs but what tools would I need? I have an impact screwdriver but im not sure if any of the fittings will fit the small screws which are near impossible to remove.

Also would I be wise investing in a carb sync tool? I was looking at this one...

They also have this...

micro-turn carburettor calibration micrometer screwdriver

Would I need this to set the fueling?

I'm intrigued to know which 600 Bandit has 100bhp though ;)[/QUOTE]

I was confused at this as well. Just never botherd going back to him as he seemed useless :-/
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Buy a quality screwdriver set, flat & crosshead, the jets etc are v soft metal & the worst thing you can do is use worn screwdrivers to remove them as they'll turn them to chewed up mush in no time.

Don't bother with that micro-turn carburettor calibration micrometer screwdriver as it's overkill in the circumstances, if you plan on keeping the bike then by all means get the carbtune, there damn easy to use & you'll get your monies worth out of it over the years.
Ah ok I wasn't sure about the screwdriver thingy but I'll order the Tuner.

Could you reccomend a decent set of screwdrivers?

Also what is a good carb cleaner and I've heard some are a little harsh and can damage plastic bits and O-rings.
Could you reccomend a decent set of screwdrivers?

Also what is a good carb cleaner and I've heard some are a little harsh and can damage plastic bits and O-rings.

As long as there quality kit it doesn't really matter, no ten screwdrivers for a tenner types :p

Carb cleaner, i tend to use what ever my local carparts shop has in, haven't had any issues yet.
Well my carb sync tool arrived today! :D Went to halfords and picked up some of their professional range screwdrivers £10 down from £20! :D Also got a Haynes Manuel, carb cleaner, Muckoff degreaser and some extra fuel hose line for £50 so I got a £10 voucher! Will be treating her to some decent wash +wax when shes up and running :)
Sorry doubble post =P

Going to give my grandpas garage a good clean out tomorrow so work should start and hopefully done over the weekend :)

Edit: Sould I also pick up a multimeter just in case it is faulty coils causing the problem?
Hmm, really don't think that should be needed as the bike only had 13000 miles on it and has been well kept. Maybe if anything is damaged but I should be able to see that when I've got it opened up.
Right here's my take :D

I reckon you have a split in the hard black rubber carb manifold or it hasn't been fitted properly & it's leaking fuel/air.
I had this issue on my NS125F180Malossi & the way I saw it was sunlight was streaming between the gap & as I bent down to adjust the mixture screw I saw it atomising, Was a Eureka moment for me mate.
So either that Dude has split your manifold or he hasn't fitted it properly & it's leaking.
To check just start the bike up & shine a torch through the gap & look for a fine mist as you rev it.

If it isn't that then come back as I have other ideas although with your symptoms I'm pretty sure it's leaking air/fuel & that hard black plastic gets real brittle over the years rather than by mileage done. ;)
Right here's my take :D

I reckon you have a split in the hard black rubber carb manifold or it hasn't been fitted properly & it's leaking fuel/air.
I had this issue on my NS125F180Malossi & the way I saw it was sunlight was streaming between the gap & as I bent down to adjust the mixture screw I saw it atomising, Was a Eureka moment for me mate.
So either that Dude has split your manifold or he hasn't fitted it properly & it's leaking.
To check just start the bike up & shine a torch through the gap & look for a fine mist as you rev it.

If it isn't that then come back as I have other ideas although with your symptoms I'm pretty sure it's leaking air/fuel & that hard black plastic gets real brittle over the years rather than by mileage done. ;)

Hmm interesting! I will try that out tomorrow and have a good look/feel all around and if it does come to it I'll have a good look again while the carbs are off. But the issue does come and go frequently so Im not sure that could be the problem unless the rubber/plastic gets heat and expands closing the gap at times.

Got my camera at the ready and may take a few pictures along the way as I don't really know what I'm looking for if the carbs are clean. Looking at some of the troubleshoting in the book just scares me! Really hope it is nothing to do with the engine its self :(

Edit: Another thing is that the carb cleaner I got from halfords is the type you spray into the airfilter? Will it be ok to use directly on the carb?

Only Stuff I could get:
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Well the past few days I have been working hard to solve this problem but no luck :(

Stripped the carbs down and took the jets out and they seemed clean and fine as did the rest of the parts. Also stripped 4 screws and spent ages getting them off (bloody brass!) And when I was putting it back together I over tightend one a little and I saw a hairline crack appear on the plastic cap (top of carb) but I think it will be fine as its on the outside part where the screw goes in, no air could escape from there.

I also checked all the rubber inlets/air box and they all seemed fine no cracks or anything but I could test it further with putting fairy liquid on while I have it running just to make sure. Replaced the fuel hose, filter and some vacuum hoses. I then proceeded to balance the carbs and the bike idles pretty good and up to around 3500 rpm it starts choking but once get get to around 60-65 mph in 5th it seems much better and the power seems to kick in more.

I am really at a loss now and just want to get it fixed :( It's killing me and a second hand set of carbs are around £130+ and they look terrible compared to mines, the bike is very very clean and seems well kept. It also make me think why its had 5 other owners but it only started to get worse and worse the longer the kit was in until I removed it then this started to happen :( To top it all of my camera broke and I found some piece of metal in my pretty new rear tire but I don't think it has pierced right through, could this be repaired?

Really don't know what to do now but I still think it must be to do with the carbs, Doesn't seem like and electrical problem but could I be wrong? Any advice or ideas what to do next would be great?

I'm also thinking of scraping together enough cash to buy a dynojet kit stage 1 to replace all the jets if that what is definitely causing it as the stock stuff would cost the same/more to replace.

EDIT: Could this be a fueling issue as I didn't touch those screws, is it worth playing about with the settings or make sure they are stock? I have an aftermarket exaust but I have no idea what make it is and if it need the fueling adjusted to suit it?

Heres some pictures of the bike when i got it.
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Don't spend a £130+ on a secondhand set of carbs on the off chance it magically fixes the problem, question, was it running ok before you handed it to mr bodgit, & by running ok, did you get to thoroughly try it thru the rev range?.
Yeah it got a good testing on the 70m ride back from where I bought it and over the weekend I did give it a good hammering and it sounded perfect :( Had it around a week and was out on it nearly every day without the kit fitted.
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