Need help choosing a backup solution

1 Dec 2003

I currently have two 120 gig Samsung SATA’s. (it’s the spinpoint range, nice and quiet :) ) one is a backup of the other (all mainly music/image files) Well they are full now and I’m looking for a new backup solution.

I don’t like to keep both hdd’s running at the same time and only connect the backup drive once a month to update it. I just update it manually. Is there a program that if I connected the backup drive it would automatically backup all the changes?

For my new backup drive I would like at least 250gig and again I only want to run/power it up once a month to update.

1. I was considering buying an internal HDD and then putting this in a mobile rack (usb) so it can be turned on/off conveniently (probably the cheaper option). 2. or I was considering buying an external hdd.

Any advise would be appreciated. How do you backup?

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