Need help - Raid array....

22 Oct 2006
Hi people,

I have arriving tomorrow, 2x 320gb HDDS i've currently got 1 other at the moment,

I was wondering what is the best way to raid these? I'm after fastest read time possible, not really to fussed about write. I'd prefer to just use the 2 new HDD, as i'd like to use the old out in a external caddy. But if its better that i use all 3 i will.


Fastest read time + only using 2 drivers = RAID0. No redundancy though; you'd be looking at RAID5 using all 3 disks to get a decent read speed with redundancy, though the write speed could be absolutely dire depending on the controller.
I would like that tbh.

Got a RAID 0 array set up and didnt really notice a difference in Windows load up time which i was a bit disappointed with.

Everything else is excellent though,loading programs etc, u should be pleasantly surprised.
Surely using raid slows down the boot time because it has the RAID bios screen appear - adds about 5 secs on to mine, although I have to go through a second one too as my mobo is old and only got 2 ports on each controller ;(
You normally dont time that even though you have to wait longer possibily, you time boot up normally from whenWindows appears and the bar goins left to right, otherwise its not a fair way to compare as some bios screens take ages on some mobos.
schumi84 said:
Lol, longest time i went without a reboot was when i was at Uni, left my computer on for about 7 days.
Only had a Gig of RAM but seemed to handle it fine when playing games etc.

My average uptime is usually atleast 2-3 weeks, and games never get a performance drop from leaving it on - the max is about 14 weeks tho, then win updates always get me.
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