I'd recommend doing fitness classes at your local gym if you can afford a membership. Normally classes are free if you're a member, but even if you're not you can often still try them for some fee so you can assess whether that's something you want to do without committing to a membership.
I suggest this because I believe it's what's helped me keep going. I've lost some 18kg or so since mid January, mostly because I've been doing tonnes of classes. I'm pretty sure I've also increased in muscle mass, so I guess I lost more than 18kg of fat. I just find the solitary gym thing or working out alone at home pretty boring and I'd often stop after some short amount of time. When going to a class you're with other people, and while you're free to leave at any point, you're less likely to stop until you're "done" - as in, there is no set "done" time when you're doing stuff alone, but there is when you go to a class. And generally speaking you won't leave until the hour, or however long the class is, is over. Also there's the people that you eventually start to get to know if you go the same classes week after week, so there's some social aspect to it too.
Also, just eat healthy and keep in mind that even though it's healthy, you can't just eat however much you want. I can't be bothered counting my calories because I almost never eat or drink packaged things anyway, it's too much effort weighing how much chicken I'm putting in a wrap and stuff like that. With that said, counting calories is probably a good idea, I'm just lazy.
Personally think you should try to be stricter with yourself when it comes to the weight loss phase. There will be a maintenance phase later, and then you can allow yourself more freedom. Honestly I don't miss the crap I used to stuff my face with anyway, so I'm pretty sure I could keep up my current diet with minimal effort for years. Obviously indulge from time to time but I think eventually you'll stop craving the chocolate, the crips, the sweet chilli, the mayo, the sweets, all that crap.
Avoid alcohol like the devil. I lost about 2 weeks of progress because I thought it was just a one off and it was someone's engagement party so I figured I should drink. Big mistake. You live and you learn, I guess.
I wanted to lose weight for years but the weight just kept piling on instead. This is how I've managed to motivate myself to keep going. I have classes almost every day right now and I feel great. This is what's worked for me though, and it might not work for you, but I figured I'd share my experience anyway. Stay strong!