Needed: Upgrade advice for a Useless individual!

I'll do that later :) Promised I'd go for a bike ride with the girl, I'll leave this running for 30 mins before hand though and get back to you :)
I'm sorry for taking up time in your weekend. You've been ever so helpful, I'd be lost on my own, completely lost
Okay, some updates and notes!

There has been only one surprise re-boot, and hat was just after turning it on, think it had a funny five minutes. Other than that, no sudden offs.

There have been a few bumps along the way where my computer has basically decided to stop doing everything and throw a strop, but I'm not sure if it's got worse or anything since before so may be no issue :)

Apart from that, games still running nicely!
I'll do some more check throughout the week - The strop was, computer stopped allowing me to do anything, I could maximise and minimise any open application but couldn't click anything within them or close them, couldn't also open up anything new including task manager. Had to switch off on back of pc
Somehow i didn't seem to get a notification for this post, I apologise! I'll see if I can check drivers today. HDD is half full ish, 1tb out of 2tb. How do I run a disk check pleaaase? And i'm not sure i've ever done a de-frag, whoopsie!

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