Neighbours want to close road for party - can I still drive on it?

As a neutral here, you do seem to be the one struggling with the situation. The decision was made without consultation as he was away, he's now heard about this decision and is asking what his best course of action is. I wouldn't say it's overly complicated either?
Couldn't agree more. It's really extremely simple.

What's that famous saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop omnonono being a ****"
true, but as soon as you were told you did not go into full on Alpha mode and demand that you be allowed to move your higher than average priced car. i think this may be the issue the ocuk alpha posse are struggling with. for future reference, as soon as you are informed of something that may possibly negatively impact you then you're supposed to go, immediately, and confront said issue rather than asking advice. i hope you are better placed now to live your life.
Thanks. I also need to learn the part where I go into someone's thread, and tell them what they have done without knowing if it's true, and tell them that it's obvious and that it must be true as they never denied it so I'm right and they are obviously wrong.
Well your "partner" knew about it didnt they so obviously not

you've clearly been informed about this beforehand

haven't objected

He's probably not invited
speaking to his wife would be an effort

[Apex knows] who's organised it

he has been invited
Lol this guy
When I bought my car it was worth less than average price :( But with the current crazy market rates, it's now worth more than the average price. :D :D Does that mean I can complain about street closures now too?
The trouble with that, is the average price increased too along with your car value, so you may find it's all about the same in the end and you're still below average.
Still waiting for pics but he'd have to go some for it to be impressive on this forum.
OP obviously thinks he is more entitled than anyone else on the street. Already proved that with his other thread where he thinks it's OK to block up the whole street with his cars and deny anyone else on the street from parking outside their property. Maybe the OP should move to one of those executive estates where all the residents are stuck up entitled "better than you" types. He'll get on fine there.
Block up the road lol. I guess reading wasn't one of your strong points. "block up the road" :cry:

Could you imagine a world where you're told you're not allowed to park any cars on the road ever as the tribe of the culdesac has decided only they can park on the road as they want to have nice garden front drives, rather than parking spaces, and then, they tell you, we're closing the street so you need to park your car on the road now if you want to use it :p

Leeuk, send me your PayPal so I can gift you £20 to buy a "reading for dummies" book, or would you prefer it on audible as then someone else can read it and explain the words for you?
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