Nerdl - Numeric Version of Wordl (NO SPOILERS OR HINTS)

Either my brain isn't working properly or I've got an impossible solution today.

The number before the "=" must be 2 digits. That means I need to use 2 operators up until then which would need to be:

<single digit>operator<single digit>operator<double digit>

The only operator I can use in slot 2 is division and the only 2 numbers that can use that operator are 9/3 because the 1 can't be repeated ... And it already rejected the 3 in the third slot


Either my brain isn't working properly or I've got an impossible solution today.

The number before the "=" must be 2 digits. That means I need to use 2 operators up until then which would need to be:

<single digit>operator<single digit>operator<double digit>

The only operator I can use in slot 2 is division and the only 2 numbers that can use that operator are 9/3 because the 1 can't be repeated ... And it already rejected the 3 in the third slot


It's a hard one today involving fractions (or First time I've come across that in this game.

nerdlegame 88 5/6

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